Category : Healthy Living : Health & Medical

General Fitness Tips

Walkng is a good form of exercisewalking image by Salem Alforaih from Fotolia.comRegardless of your age, numerous studies have shown exercise has benefits beyond just keeping you in shape. Exercise improves mood, increases immunity, prevents cancer and strengthens bones. Whether it's...

Amaranth Benefits

Amaranth is one of the most important groups of plants to emerge from the Americas after the discovery of the New World in the 15th century. Most of the approximately 60 species share similar traits, and many are used worldwide as a nutritious food source for both people and domestic...

How to Use Emu Oil for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic condition that causes red, scaly patches to form on the skin. This condition may affect several million Americans, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. Emu oil is the natural oil from the emu bird's fatty subdermal layer. This oil has been used by Australia's abori

Types of Family Planning Agencies

The United States Department of Health & Human Services' Office of Population Affairs is responsible for educating and helping people with a variety of reproductive health issues. To meet this goal, federal, state, Title X and non-profit agencies work around the clock to educate, inform, protect and

Foods Containing Omega 3 & Omega 6

As more is learned about what each nutrient does for the body, knowledge of how excesses and deficiencies can lead to disease increases. Two vital components of every diet, omega 3 and omega 6, are found in a variety of foods. The importance of examining consumption of foods containing omega 3 and o

Varieties of Oat Groats

Oat groatsoat grains image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.comOat groats are the oat seed or whole oat grain. They have received increased attention in recent years because of their high nutritional value. Cooks can prepare oat groats in a variety of ways, and this allows the nutritious...

How to Get OSHA Approved

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a government agency part of the Department of Labor. It enforces regulations for the health and safety of employees at their workplace. To get approved by OSHA, you must comply with the rules that apply to your industry. Although complying

Sparkling Water Vs. Regular Water

It is no secret that water is good for us. Our bodies need water to survive. In fact, we can go longer without food than we can water. Without water, the body would dry up and stop working, and sparkling water is just another way to get that water in. Most health officials agree that drinking sparkl

GAP Programs for Farmers

GAP codes set production standards focused on food safety and sustainability.apples image by Inhumane Productions from Fotolia.comAccording to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), good agricultural practices (GAPs) are codes aimed at standardizing "agricultural...

Household Hazardous Waste Products

Many household cleaning products contain hazardous material.George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty ImagesHousehold products are hazardous when the product contains the words danger, poison, warning or caution. Household products can become hazardous waste due to improper disposal techniques, such...

Uses for Oil of Oregano P73

Oregano comes in several varieties, some more beneficial than others.Ursula Alter/Photodisc/Getty ImagesEven before the founding of the Roman Empire, people used oregano oil for medicinal purposes. Chinese doctors used it for intestinal problems, such as diarrhea and indigestion. Greek...

How to Care for Overgrown Succulents

An overgrown succulent houseplant is difficult to maintain and is prone to more problems. As the plant outgrows its container, it may not receive adequate hydration and aeration. Pruning -- the act of drastically trimming the plant -- is necessary to regain control over the plant and maintain its he

Post-Bariatric Diet

People who struggle with obesity and can't lose weight with diet and exercise may qualify for bariatric surgery, according to Medline Plus. This surgery is usually reserved for women who are 80 pounds or more overweight and men who are 100 pounds or more overweight. Bariatric surgery restricts the s

How to Make a Cadenza Buffer

Cadenza buffers are commonly used in chromatography experiments to limit interference and eliminate background staining. It is a relatively safe substance, although it does pose a risk of respiratory, skin and eye irritation. Instructors of honors chemistry students or college professors can aid the

Personal Hygiene & the Kitchen

Cross-contamination, in which germs from raw food are transferred to other food and kitchen surfaces, is a primary cause of food poisoning. People and animals also can bring germs into the kitchen. Food poisoning is easily preventable if you handle food properly and keep the kitchen clean If you're

Mold and Heart Health Problems

Molds are common fungi that grow naturally both indoors and outdoors, according to the Illinois Department of Public Heath. Mold exposure causes sickness in some people. Although allergy-like symptoms are the most common reaction to mold, other health issues such as heart health problems may also ar