- Just when your morning sickness has finally gone away, your digestive tract throws another curve ball at you. Your ever-growing uterus is putting pressure on your digestive system, which is already sluggish, and it may cause you to feel uncomfortable after you eat. Eat smaller, more frequent meals to help alleviate the discomfort, and try drinking more water to help move your food through the digestive system more easily. Walking can also help, as this is a natural aid to digestion.
- Due to your higher progesterone levels, the smooth muscle of your digestive system relaxes and becomes sluggish. Add the pressure of your growing uterus and that can make things move very slowly. Another way to alleviate this is to add some raw fruits or vegetables to your diet. Putting a small stool under your feet in the bathroom can open the outlet of the pelvis by as much as 15 percent as well.
- It's easy to forget that your belly isn't the only thing that's changing! Around month five, your breasts may begin leaking fluid as the mammary glands mature and begin making colostrum---the precursor to actual milk. Not every woman experiences this leaking, and it has no impact on your ability to breastfeed. If you do start leaking, put a few breast pads inside your bra and rinse off any dried colostrum with some warm water.
- Higher hormone levels may make the skin on your face and abdomen appear darker. While some doctors feel this is a normal symptom of pregnancy, others think it may be a sign of nutritional defects. If your skin begins to take on a blotchy appearance, check your diet to make sure you're getting enough folic acid. Avoid too much time in the sun, as that can make the darker patches more pronounced.
- Swelling can develop in tissues with very small blood vessels, such as in the nose and gums, due to the increased blood volume pregnancy creates. This can make your gums tender and cause them to bleed after vigorous brushing. To combat this, make sure you're getting enough vitamin C in your diet, as this aids in tissue healing. Switch to a softer bristled toothbrush and brush more gently to avoid aggravating your sensitive gums.
- Not all the symptoms are bad! By the fifth month, you should be able to feel your baby moving. At first it will be little pokes that you may even mistake for gas gurgles, but as your baby grows, so does the strength of his movements. You'll soon realize that the fluttering you've been feeling wasn't today's lunch, but your little bundle of joy saying hello!
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