- Green tea is the most widely consumed beverage world-wide.ULTRA F/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Honey is a source of nutrient-rich carbohydrates. One tbsp. of honey provides 17 gm. of high-energy fuel for fatigued muscle tissue. Whether surviving a mid-morning crash or hydrating after a workout, carbohydrates restore muscle glycogen. Add honey to a bottle of water to hydrate the next work out. Honey contains enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids important to the health and development of muscle tissue. Quench late-afternoon thirst with limeade made from the juice of 12 to 15 limes. Mix and pour 1 cup of honey and a handful of mint leaves into 2 qt. of water. This natural homemade energy drink is loaded with vitamin C. - Green tea boosts the metabolism and helps burn fat. Polyphenols, such as catechin, are found in green tea and responsible for fat-burning effects, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Prepared hot or cold, drink green tea before a workout to stabilize blood sugar, increase energy and reduce muscle fatigue. Create a 16-oz. green tea energy drink by combining 2 tbsp. honey and 2 tsp. bee pollen powder to 16 oz. hot or cold water. Add ginseng extract for an extra-energy boost. Bee pollen contains essential fatty and amino acids.
- Shaped like the body, ginseng has long been an energizing root.Blue Jean Images/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Guarana is an energy-enhancing seed extracted from the Brazilian cocoa plant. Although guarana does contain caffeine, it dissolves slowly while maintaining a lasting boost of tannin, similar to that found in green tea. Grind two seeds for each cup of water. Crush the seeds with a coffee-grinder; boil the powder for 10 minutes and drink. Create a 16-oz. drink by grinding four seeds. Guarana seeds are strong, so this tea requires only a few seeds. Boil and refrigerate the guarana, add mint leaves, crushed pineapple or pineapple juice to taste. - The purest form of hydrating energy during a workout is water.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
With a long history of medicinal use for respiratory ailments, ephedra leaves have a strong pine odor and a bitter taste. A derivative of ephedra is an over-the-counter diet aid. Used as a high-energy tea, ephedra leaves provide a safe energy boost. Ephedra may be purchased on-line or at a health food store. Mix 2 tbsp. honey to 6 to 10 ephedra leaves. Steep these blended ingredients in 1 cup hot water for 10 minutes. Cool and drain the leaves. Add the ephedra and honey mixture to another cup of cold water. Drink a 16-oz. bottle of this innovative energy boost mid-workout.
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