Any good Photographer thinks about how to watermark a photo when it comes to Internet.
Photographers of all kinds like to show their pictures and fresh photos in the Internet.
Web is full of special photography sites, where everyone can show their photos and receive some feedback or just talk about the main theme of the picture.
However, the most beautiful photos are often the subject of Internet content thieves.
Such people search for cool pictures and place photos to their own sites and blogs without any referral link.
It's not very easy to have solid protection from such people, but one of the most popular and easy method to defend your property is watermark your photo.
What are the ways to watermark a photo? There are several kinds of watermarks we can stumble upon while surfing the Internet.
The most popular is an author name or website link just at the bottom right corner of the picture.
It shows who own the picture and where to go and ask for special permission to use the photo.
But this kind of watermark is easy to overcome.
It can be accomplished in some photo editing program as Photoshop, where you can paint over the watermark or just copy picture area without watermark and that's it.
Second kind of watermark a photo is to cover the whole image with special graphical pattern or words (author link/name).
You can do it in some offline or online picture editors.
This watermark grants quite a strong protection to the picture but also it make the photo less attractive and make it harder to define some important elements inside.
To overcome such a protection a thief should have strong graphical editing knowledge and spend a lot of time in graphical package.
After all even that work doesn't guarantee good quality result.
Every photographer should decide what kind of image protection is the most suitable to their needs.
What to do if you noticed your image is being used without your permission? First of all try to directly contact site owner who uses your photo and ask him to remove it from the web site (or place link to your site).
Your photo could have uploaded to site by site's user and the owner will remove it after your request.
If it doesn't help - send letter to the hosting and Internet provider of the website (hosting provider could be found in the "whois" data of the domain name).
Letter have to show where the copyrighted work is located online, the date it was created and/or first published, and if registered, its copyright registration number.
Majority of hosting providers will take care of such unfair customers.
If you want to be protected always think about photo watermark before submitting one to the Internet.
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