The forms of the personal pronoun in the function of complement are two very distinct from each other:
a form toned or strong, which gives a particular emphasis to the pronoun; a dull or weak form, which leans on the verb in the speech.
I corresponds to the first person singular form in the office of the complement me:
They were looking for me. They're talking about me. Come with me. He did it for me.
He handed it to me. He came to me.
At the second person singular you is matched according to complement the shape you:
They want you. I'm afraid of you. I go out with you. There's a letter for you.
The shapes us and you (respectively first and second person plural) are common to the subject and to complmenti:
They laugh at us. They have confidence in you.
The third person pronoun as a function of complement is itself when it has value reflective, that is, when it refers to the subject of the sentence:
He's too self- stim. Think only of themselves.
When it indicates a person other than the subject, he takes the forms for the men's singles, women's singles for her, for them the plural masculine and feminine:
I'm going with him. I will never forget her. Go ahead rely on them.
The shapes it, it, they, and they, as a function of complement, relates only to animals and things (referring to animals are also used, especially in the spoken language, he, she, they), their use has then a ' further limitation: they can work as a complement indirect, that is preceded by a preposition, but not as a direct object.
For example:
The plane is faster means: it is easy to reach with distant countries. It is a texture that is too weak on it is impossible to build a novel.
but as a function of the direct object will use the unstressed form:
See that book? Bring it (and not bring it).
Complementary forms tonic, as well as subject, can be strengthened with the identity adjective itself:
I'm not happy with myself. Know thyself. It only does harm to himself (even without accent itself). They always think to yourself (or yourself) and never to others.
Unstressed pronouns differ from those tonics for the following properties:
do not have corresponding subjective forms
immediately precede and follow the verb form: the link unstressed pronoun + verb (to differences of the link verb + pronoun tonic) can not be broken by the insertion of other elements: for example we can say The music really like me, Mary sees all Thursday their music but do not like me much, Mary sees them every Thursday. Between the verb and the unstressed pronoun can only fit another unstressed pronoun I'll tell you, I will ship;
can not be used in constructions that involve the highlighting of the pronoun: It is to him that I lent a lbiro but it is to him that I lent a book;
can not appear in the absence of the verb: the question Who has come? we can answer him / her / them but not him / her / them.
The unstressed forms shall endeavor only for the direct object and the complement of the term. They correspond to the shapes tonic already examined, so
me is "me " and " me": They call me, told me everything;
There is " we" and " us": There deceived; They wrote us;
you is " you" and " you": I'll walk, I'll send you a nice gift;
there is "you" and " you": I listen to you, I think of you always.
The shape of the unstressed pronoun of the third person is you (= "self" and " self" " thoughtful use, ie when it refers to the same topic:
They looked in the mirror The dog was licking the wound.
At the 3rd person singular and plural, when it refers to the subject of the sentence, the pronoun has a dual set of forms: the (masculine singular), the (women's singles), li (masculine plural), the (feminine plural) for the direct object, the (masculine singular), the (women's singles), they (plural male and female) for the complement of the term. For example:
I (= him) saw escape, the (= her) I often encounter; for them (their) followed, the (= they) said good-bye; the (to him =) I described what had happened, the (= her) spoke to her; I informed them (them =) the news.
As for the location, we will notice that they, unlike the other unstressed pronouns, is postponed to the verb. The location proclitica (ie prefixed to the verb) is very rare in the language of today, can occur occasionally in bureaucratic language in the presence of a participle:
The skills their due, the penalties imposed.
They can also be placed between the auxiliary and the participle:
They went to the restaurant which had been indicated to them; The advantages that have allowed them to mitigate losses;
and, more generally, between verb and verb regent rectum:
Refueling has made them lose the advantage gained.
Forms the, the, the, the are equal to those of the definite article and behave in the same way as regards the elision. Only when the apostrophe can cause confusion in the male or female gender, we avoid elide the vowel to avoid ambiguity, so writing helped him or helped him instead of helped her.
In Italian is now more and more frequent use of the in place of them:
I invited them home and offered him a apertitivo (offered in place of them).
In the spoken language and the family also tends to displace the feminine singular form:
If you see it does not say anything to him (instead of nondirle).
In the written language and speaking accurate, however it is good to maintain the distinction to him / her.
It is said that the shapes perfectly match those tonic unstressed and we can then ask whether it is preferable to the use of each other or others. The choice depends on the importance you want to give to the pronoun. For example, they call me / call me two sentences are very different: the first has the value of the pronoun simple indication, in the second one assumes a particular intensity, as if the speaker volessa say " just call me and not another," I am to be called. "
Plural of Italian Compound Nouns
Invariable Italian Nouns
Plural English Nouns in Italian
Gender of Italian Nouns
Italian Nouns Missing Either the Singular or the Plural Form
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