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The gender of French nouns tends to be a sticky grammar point for students, especially when it does not exist in their mother tongue. Although getting the gender right is very important, most of the time the wrong gender will not hinder your ability to understand or to communicate in French, because most words have a single gender.*
However, there are a number of French nouns which are identical in pronunciation (and often spelling as well) but which have different meanings depending on whether they are masculine or feminine.
Probably a good idea to memorize this list. :-)
un aide - male assistant
une aide - help, assistance, female assistant
un air - air, look, aria
une aire - area, zone, eyrie
un aller - one-way trip
une allée - avenue, path, aisle
un auteur - author
une hauteur - height
le bal - dance
la balle - ball (sports)
le bar - bar/pub, bass (fish)
la barre - bar/rod, barre, helm
le barbe - barb
la barbe - beard
les barbes (f) - ragged edge
le barde - bard (poet)
la barde - bard (armor for a horse, fat wrapped around meat)
le basilic - basil, basilisk
la basilique - basilica
le basque - Basque language
la basque - tails (of a jacket)
le boum - bang, explosion, (fam) success
la boum - (inf) party
le bout - tip, end
la boue - mud
le bugle - bugle
la bugle - bugleweed
le but - aim, goal, purpose
la butte - hillock, mound
le cache - card/mask (for hiding s.t.)
la cache - cache, hiding place
le capital - capital, money
la capitale - capital city, capital letter
le carpe - carpus
la carpe - carp
le cartouche - (archeology) cartouche
la cartouche - cartridge, carton
le casse - break-in, robber
la casse - breaking, damage, breakages
le cave - (familiar) idiot, sucker
la cave - basement, cellar
le central - center court, (telephone) exchange
la centrale - station, plant, group
le cerf - stag
la serre - greenhouse
le champagne - champagne
la Champagne - Champagne region
le chêne - oak tree/wood
la chaîne - chain, channel, stereo
le chèvre - goat cheese
la chèvre - goat
le chine - china, rice paper
la chine - second-hand / used trade
la Chine - China
le chose - thingie, contraption
la chose - thing
le claque - opera hat, (familiar) brothel
la claque - slap
le coche - stagecoach
la coche - check mark, tick (on a form)
le col - collar, neck
la colle - glue
le coq - rooster
la coque - hull, fuselage, cockle
le cours - class
le court - (tennis) court
la cour - courtyard, court of law
le crème - coffee with cream
la crème - cream
le crêpe - crepe material
la crêpe - thin pancake
le cric - jack
la crique - creek, inlet
le critique - male critic
la critique - criticism, review, female critic
le diesel - diesel fuel
la diesel - diesel automobile
un enseigne - ensign (rank)
une enseigne - sign, ensign (flag, banner)
un espace - space, room
une espace - printing space
une Espace - car model from Renault
le fait - fact
le faîte - summit, rooftop
la fête - party
le faune - faun
la faune - fauna
le faux - fake, forgery, falsehood
la faux - scythe
le fil - thread, yarn, string
la file - line, queue
le finale - finale (music)
la finale - final (sports)
le foie - liver
la foi - faith
une fois - once, one time
le foret - drill bit
la forêt - forest
le foudre - (ironic) leader, large cask
la foudre - lightning
le garde - guard, warden, keeper
la garde - guard duty, custody, private nurse
le gène - gene
la gêne - trouble, bother, embarrassment
le geste - gesture
la geste - gest, epic poem
le gîte - shelter, cottage; bottom round (meat)
la gîte - list, inclination of a ship
le greffe - court clerk's office
la greffe - transplant, graft
le guide - guide (book, tour)
la guide - girl scout/guide
les guides (f) - reins
un icone - icon (computer)
une icône - icon (art, celebrity)
un interligne - space (typography)
une interligne - lead (typography)
le jars - gander
la jarre - jar
le kermès - scale insect, kermes (tree)
la kermesse - fair, bazaar, charity party
le krach - stock market crash
la craque - (familiar) whopping lie
le lac - lake
la laque - lacquer, shellac, hairspray
le légume - vegetable
la grosse légume (informal) - big shot
le lieu - place
la lieue - league
le livre - book
la livre - pound (currency and weight)
Go on to page 2
*For example, un bureau (desk) is masculine and une chaise (chair) is feminine.
Saying "une bureau" or "un chaise" is incorrect, but still understandable. Other words have two different forms for masculine and feminine versions (un avocat/une avocate, un acteur/une actrice) or a single form that refers to a man or a woman depending on which article is used (un touriste/une touriste, un artiste/une artiste).
Quiz on dual-gender nouns
Introduction to French nouns and gender
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