Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

Immigration and Visa Consultancy Services for Canada Immigration

Canada has opened up its program with a big bang and has introduced 2 revolutionary skills migration schemes this year in form of Federal skilled trade professionals – FSTP and federal skills migrants – FSWP 2013. FSTP was initialized in January 2013 and FSW has been recently unveiled in month of May 2013.

The skills migration scheme of FSTP targets the tradesmen working in the blue collar professions and basic trades. The professions included in this scheme have been extracted from NOC 2011 and include 43 professions. These professions have been divided in 2 categories namely
  • Tabulation A indicating the trades that are specifically facing general shortage of trained expertise. There are 26 professions in the class and have an annual number sealing  of 100 slots per trade
  • Tabulation B illustrates 26 occupations which have been experiencing severe shortage of trained expertise. This category has not been bound by any annual cap

In this scheme a cumulative annual number cap of 3000 has been imposed. The stipulations for granting Canada Immigration Visa under this class have been down scaled to a large extent i.e. language, financial requirements etc. and the aspiring migrants will have to get either an endorsement from a regional accreditation authority or an employment offer.

The most popular program of Canadian skills migrant program, the FSW has been reopened after a year's embargo and this year a total of 5000 requests for permanent residency will be accepted for 24 professions. The scheme is expected to continue till 30th June 2014   in case the annual cap of 5000 is not achieved before the stipulated period.

But as far as the current status of this program is concerned, it is being highly anticipated that this program will hit the maximum number sealing quite fast and the clacking applicants who have not yet started thinking about starting their application process will be left out of the race.

The aspiring applicants who have been thinking of filling their requests need to make it fast and get the things prepared as early as possible. The earl birds have cleared their ECA process with the help of the experts providing Canada Visa Consultancy Services. The specialization of these people has come in quite handy for the applicants as they have been able to get concrete suggestions on various aspects of the migration schemes initiated by the Canadian authorities.   

Besides this, one business migration program has also been initialized at the federal level that intends to invite promising business owners under a unique of its kind business start up visa under which the government will offer permanent residency to the business migration enthusiasts who bring in viable and workable business blue prints and which can receive initial capital funding from capital venture concerns and institutions.

The best way to earn a successful Immigration Visa for a destination like Maple country is to understand the inclination and requirements of the economy where you might have been seeking chances. Especially countries like these North American destinations have been seeking to grant admission only those people who requirement have been felt in the domestic labor pool. Various business migration programs of these influential countries aim at rejuvenating the economic scenario and create new employment venues to tackle growing menace of unemployment.

Besides the federal schemes several provincial nomination schemes have also started to select people for migration under skills and business. If you have the intent to avail these opportunities then it is highly advisable that you seek expert Immigration And Visa Consultancy Services For Canada Immigrationforgenuine and authentic inputs and services and off course tangible results.

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