Health & Medical Men's Health

Myths About Penis Size, Penis Enlargement and Enjoyable Sex

So, just one more article on penis enlargement and how to have better sex huh? Well no not really! In this article I want to talk about a few myths about penis enlargement and enhancing your sexual experience.
People have connected the size of a man's penis to his ability to please a woman, self confidence, etc.
Men and society seem to be so focused on the size of a man's penis, but how important is it really? What other factors are involved in having a good sexual relationship? Does the size of a man's penis determine whether or not they can please their wife in the bedroom? Well, a lot of people would probably jump to the answer of, "Yes, of course it does!" However, there are many more factors involved with a man satisfying his partner other than the size of his penis.
The average sized penis is about 4 to 6 inches in length.
So if you fall somewhere in this range, well, you are normal believe it or not.
Anything under this length and yes, you might have a "small" problem.
However, it's not just about the length of a man's penis that helps a woman to reach orgasm and be satisfied.
It's also about girth, or the thickness of the penis.
The girth of a man's penis is important because the most sensitive areas of a woman's vagina are located at the opening of the vagina.
In other words, simply having a long and skinny penis might not get the job done.
So in "short" (Ha!), a thick penis can be very beneficial in pleasuring your partner and hitting on all of the sensitive areas of the vagina.
Now, what else is involved in order to help a woman reach orgasm? Well, as some of you may know, and like I've been saying, it's not just about penile size.
For women, it's also about an emotional and mental connection.
So if a man can "connect" with his partner on an emotional and mental level, he is halfway there! Also, lots of foreplay doesn't hurt! Duh! Now back to penis enlargement and penis size.
Penis size can of course make for a better and more pleasurable sexual experience for both you and your partner.
Natural penis enlargement pills are a great tool for men to reach their maximum potential safely and naturally.
Penis enlargement pills, if bought from a reputable company, can work wonders for men.
They can enhance sensation, arousal, and sensitivity and give men firmer and fuller erections.
And a firmer and fuller erection means a thicker penis; and what does a thicker penis do? Well, as I said earlier, a thicker penis means that the nerves at the opening of a woman's vagina receive more "attention" so to speak.
To recap, a plan I suggest is to first, find a good penis enlargement supplement (for you men of course!) This will bring you to your full potential and enhance all aspects of your sexual experience.
Two, take into consideration that having a good connection both mentally and emotionally with your partner will drastically increase attraction and help out with improving the intensity in the bedroom.
Three, add in lots of foreplay and four, enjoy! Now, if you have any medical problems at all, or if you are currently taking any type of prescription medications, please be sure to consult with your physician before starting to take any natural penis enlargement pills or other natural supplements.
Always do your research and know what you are putting into your body! Be healthy and good luck!

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