Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Facial Blushing Can It Be Wiped Out With One Simple Facial Action?

You're probably going to think I am a weirdo.
I mean, I am about to tell you that you can start getting positive results for dealing with facial blushing just by smiling...
I think if I were you, I would probably think I was a weirdo too.
But can you hear me out for a second? Although I have been known to make some pretty stupid comments in my time, when it comes to the problem of facial blushing, I am untouchable.
There are few other people who not only suffered facial blushing but know how to get long term relief from it too.
That's why I want you to read not only this article, but see the extra resources available towards the bottom of this article too.
But before we do that, let's look at how a simple action such as smiling can dramatically reduce facial blushing for you today...
Although we all say that we know it is important to smile, how may of us (yes, I'm talking to you) actually practice what we preach? And more to the point, is it really necessary to walk around looking like a chesire cat all day? The answer is yes, it is.
That is, if you want to relieve facial blushing and related feelings of anxiety that is.
You see, we often feel anxious or shy because of the physical vibe that we receive from others.
Whether our perception of how others see us is correct or not, there is truth in saying that all of us get a certain vibe from certain people or situations.
Now, you might think that these situations are out of our control, and we certainly can't control how other people perceive us, what they choose to say to us or whether they even make the effort to speak to us at all..
right? Wrong.
(But thanks for playing ;-) The truth is, whether you accept or believe what I am telling you right now, is that people are 100% reactive to their surroundings.
This includes where they are, who they are with and most importantly of all, how other people act towards them.
Now, what does this have to do with smiling you might ask...
Well, when we enter a situation, or speak to a group of people or even answer the phone to someone we either know or don't know, we can never expect these people to be excited or attentive to what we are saying or what we are about to say unless we show the same emotions whilst communicating.
It works for other emotions too...
such as getting someone fired up and in a rage by shouting and ranting with them.
It works well when you see someone feeing sad by talking with someone else who is particularly sad because of something terrible that might have just happened.
There are all sorts of examples where this works.
It's not a trick or technique, but pure and simple human nature.
So in order to build instant report with people, you must smile and show excitement or joy.
When you smile, you open a window to your soul...
where people will iterayll fall into you and engage in your dreams and your thoughts with you.
But how does this directly relate to facial blushing? Well, put simply, we tend to blush more when we feel a negative vibe from other people.
It creates a feeling of anxiety and we feel inferior or out of place.
The mistake you are currently making when you think about this vibe, is that it all comes from the other person.
However, the truth is that it doesn't.
Well, sort of.
Let me explain further...
You see, yes the other person might not be warming to you, yes the other person might not bother talking to you, yes the other person might look at you funny or even be abrupt or rude to you...
all of which may trigger a blushing episode...
But what do you think will happen if you consciously smile at them? Whether you believe it or not, by the power of pure human psychology and nature, they will automatically readjust their vibe towards you and literally within minutes, you can find yourself sparking a friendly and warm conversation with that person.
Even if you don't end up talking, the vibe will almost instantly be changed to a positive one.
Therefore, the chances of anxious thoughts are immediately removed.
This may at first sound like a load of old rubbish.
But trust me, I learned this in my own path to facial blushing recovery.
It does work if you actually do it.
The problem is, people don't always smile instinctively and it actually sounds weird, but smiling is a learned habit.
So go and learn to do it by thinking about it consciously in each and every situation where you feel you need to (or even when you feel that you DON'T need to in fact) At the end of the day, this is a proven and well kept secret of some of the most successful public speakers in the world.
You see, when they first get up on stage, the moment they smile and look people in the eye...
BOOM! Instant rapport is made with their audience.
Guess what that does for THEIR confidence? Yep, that could be you too...
If you found this article useful and you would like to truly get to the bottom of your blushing problem, check out the resource box below for a great blushing website which is already helping hundreds of people just like you.

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