Health & Medical Body building

3 Best Ab Exercises for People Over 40

Working your abdominal is one of the best ways to eliminate fat and tone the muscles of your midsection.
The best ab exercises are those which focus on individual sections of your abdominal region, in order to give you a whole workout that targets each muscle.
Unlike most other forms of exercise, ab routines do not require a lot of time.
Because you don't build extensive muscle in this area there is no need for the style of workout that you would undertake on your arms, for example.
In fact, just a few minutes of midsection-focused exercise several days per week is generally all you need.
You will see improvements on this part of your body from other exercise that you do, such as walking and swimming, which work to burn fat through your entire body.
Removing excess fat from your abdominal region is the best way to have those ab muscles showing through.
Exercise Ball Ab Crunches (Upper Abs) Your upper abs are often the first ones you'll notice becoming toned.
Exercise balls target this area well.
You simply purchase (or use at the gym) a quality exercise ball.
These balls are more effective than doing plain floor crunches as they make your abs do most of the work rather than your legs.
To do this exercise simply position the ball under your lower back then put your arms behind your head.
Lift your torso up off the ball and bring your upper body down to your hips as much as possible.
Make sure the ball is kept stable when you curl up.
When you lower yourself back down you should feel a good stretch.
Repeat this for 10-25 reps depending upon your fitness level.
Bicycle Crunches (Obliques) The obliques are the largest ab muscles and this is certainly one of the best ab exercises.
This is an easy exercise to do and something you need no equipment for.
Simple lay down flat on the floor.
Put your hands behind your head then slowly lift your knees about halfway to your head.
Start a slow bicycle pedal action and touch your elbows alternatively to the opposite knee as it rises.
Ensure that you concentrate on breathing in this exercise and that it's all done in a controlled and unhurried motion.
Reverse Curl (Lower abs) This is a simple but effective exercise for the abs.
Just lie down on your back.
Then bring your knees up to your chest, keeping the feet together.
Curl your hips up from the floor toward your chest, making sure to use your ab muscles for the bulk of the work rather than your pelvis or legs.
Hold for a second then lower yourself back to the position you started in.
This is one rep.
Complete 10-20 reps two or three times for the set.
Combining some or all of these best ab exercises with regular cardio workouts will ensure that you'll burn fat around your stomach, while at the same time toning those muscles.
In a matter of months you'll feel so much more comfortable wearing tight clothing, or your swimsuit at the beach!

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