Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Music File Sharing is Wrong

I was pleased to see in the news today that Lord Mandelson defended His government pledge to look at possible laws for the protection of copyright content shared on the internet within peer to peer networks such as Limewire.
Lord Mandelson said " downloading of files with out paying is wrong".
Its about time someone defended the creatives, people through their creative bent have produced music and art that makes our lives a little better.
95% of the possible revenue of online sales is lost through illegal downloading.
This money, if was collected and distributed fairly would revolutionize the music industry, funds would be available for new artists, Record labels would have enough money to take risks' with unknown artist and there would be a lot more new music and choice.
The way things are major labels only release and support artists that appeal to the younger record buying sector, artist who sound just like the other artists who are around at the time.
This is because the younger record buying sector is a hive that is easy to dominate.
This means then that there are a lot of very talented people out there who are stacking shelves or some other mundane job, these creative's are under valued and ignored at the expense of everyone.
Remember that Mozart, one of the finest composer that ever lived was buried in a poor persons mass grave, penniless.
So things haven't changed in three hundred years, in fact during biblical times There were periods where the people wouldn't pay their temple tax and the priesthood would starve whilst the rest of the population would have plenty.
The priesthood were from the tribe of Levi and were responsible for providing the music and creative arts in the temple.
Today the temple is the internet and the priesthood is yet again starving and as Lord Mandelson put it "downloading without payment is wrong" I will put it another way.
Would you go into your local supermarket and do a weeks shopping and walk out with out paying? It is time for change, lets pay the priesthood and all benefit from more music, more arts and more choice.

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