Having Facebook fan pages can really be a boost to your website traffic and resulting increased revenue.
Fan pages are a great way to build a more intimate relationship with fans and to let them know about new and different things you are doing.
Most people on Facebook will 'Like' a fan page if it offers them something that makes their experience with the business better, cheaper or more efficient.
can be a great way to offer improvements on the customer experience with special tips, helpful information, advisories on something that needs extra care and cost-cutting with contests, special deals and giveaways for Fans, new and potential customers.
Avoid Spamming At All Costs As with any kind of online marketing plan, there can be a thin line between effective promotion, especially at its inception, and spamming or just annoying customers away with constant links and self-aggrandizing.
So, you want to do the simplest promotion of your business that reaches the most people with attractive information and special deals for the recipients of your messages.
With regards to Facebook fan pages, less can be more.
People will see your updates in their newsfeeds, and no one wants their feeds clogged with extraneous advertising.
So, there are a couple things to keep in mind as you promote..
Have One Page For Your Business First, you should only have one Facebook fan page for your business.
Even if your services, products or website encompass a couple different industries or trade groups, you should only have one page.
Multiple pages will just fracture your audience base and probably make people lose interest.
It would also require twice as much time and effort.
And if people joined more than one, they would be bombarded with your content.
Which leads to the next point, too many posts will just seen as spam and be 'Unliked' or hidden in your fans' feeds, which is basically the same.
Don't Overdo Your Links Too many links to your page is the same thing.
If people visit a site regularly and you keep posting the same link, it will quell interest in that site, so you might lose them on two fronts.
And only address people directly with the '@' symbol if it will help you be seen on another high traffic fan page.
You can respond to individual, business related inquiries with the '@' function, but keep it limited so you are not excluding the rest of your fans.
Keep Administrators Low Keep your administrators to a minimum.
You want people to be admins who have big followings of their own, but you don't want the fans to be confused about all of the posters and who is talking to them.
One of the points of having thatis the intimacy and closer relationship formed with customers, so keep that in mind and don't make the discussion too broad.
Be respectful and treat them as you would want your personal account to be treated.
No one wants to be bombarded with links and over-exposure.
When it comes to thatthe focus should be on quality content and interaction that leaves the fans still 'liking' your page and business.
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