What is the main thing for you? All too often we are pulled from many directions, many demands and many desires.
The things we say we want the most often get shoved into the background, because other things seem to demand our attention or take center stage.
Demand planning is an intricate balance based on the assumption of independence among variables, that allows for simple and easy aggregation and separation of plans.
The most critical aspect of meeting multiple demands is as Stephen Covey states, The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
The second most critical aspect of meeting multiple demands is to know the balance of demand planning In your personal life, you need to decide what is the most important thing for you.
You might call it your purpose in life, or your mission in life.
Right this moment pause and ask yourself, "When it is all said and done what is the most important thing for me?" Did you know your soul's sole purpose for being in human form is for emotional and spiritual growth? If you know that to be true, what would be the an important thing for you? Would you put your emotional and spiritual growth as the most important thing? Would you decide to discover what emotional and spiritual growth you need? When one is whole emotionally and spiritually everything else in life falls into place and is easier to manage at home and at work.
When you know the things that are important, it becomes the compass (road map) that will guide you through everything.
This moment is the first moment for the rest of your life, pause, take a deep breath.
The main thing for this moment is to decide what is important for you.
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