Many morbidly obese people fail in traditional methods of losing weight especially if they suffer from weight related conditions as well.
Bariatric surgery is highly effective, in relatively short time the patient is able to lose significant weight.
To maintain the weight loss requires hard work, perseverance and responsibility coming from the patient. He/she has to make permanent lifestyle changes.
First eating habits have to change. No more big, fatty meals. Instead, patients need to increase the meal frequency to having small meals, three times a day and they need to consume healthy food. They need to avoid if possible permanently snacking, sweets, alcohol, carbonated drinks and caffeine.
Patients need to choose carefully what they are eating; fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, selected meat for the increased protein requirement are advisable.
Patients are thought by the nutritionist to eat slowly, to take small bites and chew about 25-30 times before swallowing. The nutritionist will also ask the patient not to use straw from now on when drinking, because there is a possibility that the restricted stomach will quickly fill with both fluids and air.
Patients will have to avoid drinking water during the meals and about 30-40 minutes before and after eating. However, they should consume plenty of water between the meals.
Surely, despite the fact that bariatric patients are able to eat a lot less than before, the body still needs to meet the daily vitamin and mineral requirements; it is necessary for the patients to take vitamin and mineral supplements. Multivitamins are good and there are several vitamins and minerals bariatric patients need such as vitamins B1, B9, B12, A, D, calcium and iron.
The physical therapist will help the patients to build up a daily routine with targeted exercises suitable for each patient individually. If the patient chooses a form of physical exercise he/she can enjoy, it is more likely that it will be easier to stick with the routine. Walking, aerobics, water aerobics, swimming, running, Pilates, Yoga are all suitable for maintaining the weight loss and keeping the body healthy and vital.
Attending support groups is another thing post op bariatric patients should not neglect. These meetings are excellent for them to share experiences, recipes, exercises to support each other, to listen to each other, to cheer each other, also it is the best place to receive up to date information about weight loss.
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