Avoid these 7 common mistakes most often seen in article marketing.
Learn how to set up your article, keyword links, and proper resource links for effective article marketing.
Poor Keyword Research The whole purpose of article marketing is to write content that people are searching for.
Too many times I see marketers on the web complain that they gave article marketing a try but unfortunately because of poor keyword research they get no results.
It's so simple to do proper research.
There are many keyword tools that cost money but you can get the data for free.
Go over to Google and search for " Google AdWords Keyword Tool.
" This should bring up the top result.
Simply enter the keyword you are looking to write about.
My suggestion to get good traffic is to focus on words that have at least 1,500-2,500.
This is called the "sweet spot" for keywords because you have a chance to dominate them if your savvy enough.
Avoid any keyword with a higher global search volume because of the high competition.
It would take you months, maybe years to rank for these keywords.
So stay in the "sweet spot.
" 2.
Keyword Missing In Title Not having your keyword in your title is flat out silly! These marketers are just writing just for the sake of writing without a focus.
Your title is what grabs a hold of your reader and gets them to click on your article.
If your savvy enough you will try to have your keyword twice in the title without it looking spammy.
This will boost search engine ranking a bit making you more effective against the poor competition.
Keyword Spam OK spammers this deadly mistake was actually rewarded a few years back.
Many spammers had a field day in the days that Google let you rank pages with the over use of a keyword.
Not anymore! Now Google will penalize you for this.
So spammers may you rest in peace.
Your keywords should be featured in your article very naturally.
A good rule of thumb in your article marketing efforts is to have your keyword in the title, once in every paragraph, the last sentence of your article, and in your resource box.
More than this and your wasting your time! 4.
Lack of Consistency Article marketing takes time to grow.
It's not a "get instant results" fix to getting traffic.
Consistency is king in article marketing.
Too many marketers are lured to article marketing because its free.
However, most of them quit without giving themselves a chance to see real results.
This lack of vision is what smart marketers are cashing in on to get more sales to their websites.
I challenge you to write a focused keyword article a day for 90 days to see some decent traffic.
Then take a 2 week break and write a few a week.
Then ramp up your efforts again for another 90 days.
Follow this system and in 6 months time you will be amazed at the amount of free targeted traffic you get to your websites.
Difficult Language English majors will hate me for this one! Most readers on the Internet have a reading level of an 8th grader.
If your goal is to drive traffic with article marketing then write simple easy to understand articles.
Your not writing a term paper.
Yes there are articles that are more sophisticated but this is not the average.
On the Internet you want to the most amount of traffic possible.
So follow the K.
rule: Keep It Simple Stupid.
Weak Keywords Links In Your Resource Box This deadly mistake is a bit more advanced for the average article marketer.
Having your keyword in your resource box as a link is the most important step in completing your article.
Yet, most marketers fail to finish strong.
Here is what I mean.
The resource box is the information below your article that will provide the reader with more information about the topic.
Here is your chance to set up a direct link to another article, blog post, web site, or sales page.
Now while I see marketer using links they don't use the keyword as a link.
So in their resource box you will see something like this: "For more information on article marketing click here.
" The "click here" would be the link.
This mistake kills your Google rank.
Google will rank another page higher than yours if the author puts the keyword as the link.
So instead of the previous example.
The smart marketer will have: "For more information visit Rey's article marketing resource blog post.
" The "article marketing" would be the link that would take the reader to more information.
Creating the link is easy! I use the simple MySpace link generator.
It's free.
I made a short video that you can watch to do this correctly.
You can see it by checking out a link below to learn more about this.
Avoid this mistake this and your competition will not see you coming! 7.
Irrelevant Outbound Links So you did your proper keyword research.
You even have your keyword in right places in your article.
Your resource box is set up with the proper keyword links.
Yet, you can still fall into the most deadliest mistake of them all.
Having an irrelevant outbound link.
This is so sad because marketers invest some much time into article marketing yet fall apart at the end.
The outbound links that you have in your article should be 100% relevant to learning more about the keyword topic your writing about.
Too many marketers will try to bring readers to a generic sales page that has nothing to do with the reader's interest.
This deadly mistake kills your credibility and opportunity to have this particular reader ever revisit your content.
You only have a few minutes to make a great impression! So if you're putting links in your article be 1000% certain the reader will gain value and a deeper understanding of the topic.
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