- Subterranean termites are sensitive to sunlight and can dry out if exposed to a lot of heat and sun. Termites can dig through loose mulch more easily than packed soil to escape hot conditions. Organic wood-based mulch provides only a temporary food source. Ultimately the termites can use the mulch, if located near a home, to gain access to and feed on the wood frame of the building.
- You can remove termites from your mulch by setting termite bait traps around the corners of your mulch piles. Termite traps, which are metal or plastic containers placed partially into the soil, contain poisoned food designed to attract the insects. The termites take the food back to the nest, where other termites consume it and spread the poison throughout the colony.
- Spreading boric acid, which comes in a powder, spray, dust or as pellets, over the mulch will effectively kill any contained termites. Spraying a termiticide, a type of pesticide designed to kill termites, on the mulch will kill the termites. Spraying a termiticide repellent will prevent future termite invasion.
- You can stop subterranean termites from digging through mulch and reaching your home by making sure your mulch piles do not come into contact with your home. When spreading mulch, be sure keep the mulch layer less than 3 inches thick. Thick mulch piles will be dense enough to block out enough heat and sunlight to allow the termites to burrow through.
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