No yard is complete without a tree.
These awe-inspiring pieces of Mother Nature add curb appeal to your home and are great for shading it from the sun's hot rays.
Plus, there is nothing quite like perching a hammock between two trees and taking an afternoon nap.
With this being said, trees offer just as many hassles as they do benefits, especially when they begin to rot away or have contracted a nasty disease.
Make the Call: Chop the Tree Before It's too Late Since it takes years for trees to fully mature and reach their maximum height and width, it is understandable that most homeowners are hesitant to chop them down.
This is especially true when there are only a few present on the property or when the tree in question is located in a prime location.
Alas, failing to adequately address the issue, either in hopes that it will go away on its own or out of ignorance, can cause more harm than good.
It is best to cut your losses and remove the tree before it is too late.
A rotting trunk poses major safety hazards to people and property; the structural support gradually becomes weaker and weaker until the day when the tree will ultimately collapse.
How Do You Know When It's Time? Fortunately, there are a few warning signs that can alert you to call a tree removal contractor.
Though smaller trees can be cut down with a chainsaw and a basic level of experience, larger specimens are best left to the experts.
To avoid serious injury to yourself and others, call a professional tree removal service to handle these types of situations.
The first thing you should do is get to an area where you have clear visibility of the entire tree, ideally from a distance that will allow you to see the base of the trunk to the top branches.
If the tree appears to be leaning excessively to one side, there could very well be a problem, especially if the tree has just recently started to lean or if the angle has increased drastically in a short period of time.
The next step is to assess the root system.
Surface roots that appear damaged are a strong indication of a loss of support.
Another warning sign is if there is a gap between the base and the ground.
Lastly, cracks or crevices in the trunk are always red flags that something may be wrong, but they do not necessarily mean the tree needs to be removed.
If a tree on your property is displaying one or more of these symptoms, contact a tree removal company as soon as you can.
There is no way of telling how long the tree will remain standing in its current condition.
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