It might be fair to say that Motor vehicles create the most expense after the home.
Can we actually change our driving habits to decrease fuel usage? I doubt it.
On the other hand do we switch the engine on before fastening seat belts or afterwards, that might help; and again do we switch the engine off before we undo the seat belts, could that save on fuel? Can we actually afford to have our vehicle/s serviced to ensure maximum efficiency as let's face it the vast majority and certainly new vehicles are electronically controlled re.
emissions and fuel economy.
Of course the electronics servicing and possible replacement come at a price.
(NOT CHEAP) I'm not an expert on fuel economy methods or driving techniques and ponder the question why do we take the load of responsibility for fuel prices, that has been created by speculators and fuel taxes.
Basically less journeys, better planning of same would make an impact on expenditure.
Do you actually need two cars when perhaps one will do.
Now that's getting right down it! In the home rising domestic fuel and food costs do make us take a reality check and you start to think more clearly about heating and food bills.
We need to consider family eating habits and the cost, use of heating, electricity, gas and hot water etc.
These factors are to do with keeping the status quo but there are financial building opportunities to not only keep matters in balance but take your finances to a new high.
I am convinced more and more people will need to look at alternative sources of income.
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