Business & Finance Wealth Building

Change Your Life While Doing Simple Budgeting

With the economy going downhill, now is the time to learn how to manage your money and that means budgeting. Whether you have an employer, you"re a contractor, or a business owner, you"ve got to learn how to manage your money efficiently and smartly. Not doing so can result in getting further in debt, having utilities turned off and having possessions such as your automobile or home taken from you.

With the market downturn it"s become increasingly common for people to be starting their own at-home business, whether they are young or old. Doing so means taking even more responsibility with your money. However, with the new responsibility come new rewards such as not being layed off and being able to control the level of income you desire. This is something that most of us want.

When starting your own business it"s important you open a separate bank account from your personal account so you can keep separate the tracking of incoming money from your business. This will make it easier not only for budgeting purposes, but when tax season comes around. Keep a tally of business expenses and add up expected income for that month (this applies even if you don"t have a business). Subtract the business expenses from the income. If you get a negative number that means you"re business isn"t bringing in enough money to pay to keep it going, and if it can"t do that, then it certainly can"t support you and your family. Don"t quit your day job until you know for sure that you are generating enough money to live on.

Once you"ve achieved a stable income, you need to continue to track your business bills separate from your home bills. This will make it easier each month to monitor your income and easier when you do your taxes; potentially saving you money. It will be important for you to keep separate track of expenses. Don"t look at your bank account and say "this is how much is available for today, so that"s how much I have to spend." It"s so important that you keep your own tally so you know what expenses are pending. Every time you make a purchase from your business or personal account, be sure to keep the receipt or invoice and subtract that amount from the bank account. It usually takes several days for charges to go through on checking or credit accounts. Make sure you know what is pending so you don"t overdraw and get fees that you can"t afford.

You"ll learn so much about your own spending habits once you start keeping track of taxes, receipts, incoming and outgoing money. Once you learn how you spend money, you"ll learn how to save money and in turn will learn how to plan for the future and start putting money to the side.

The next step will be learning how to manage your savings with different investments such as IRA"s stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, etc. Budgeting will put the world at your finger tips and help you learn even more about yourself.

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