One of the greatest problems about hair loss is that in most cases you don't know it's happening until its too late. The good news about dealing with hair loss is that men and women can slow down and reverse the entire process. When people loose hair they suffer from the anxiety and embarrassment that accompany it. Once it sets in most people suffer a loss of self esteem which could lead to anxiety, frustration and depression.
Women are especially devastated because lack of hair makes them feel unattractive and unwanted. The following tips will come in handy in preventing your hair fall problem from going overboard while in many cases you can actually reverse it altogether:
Clean your hair and scalp: In order to slow down hair fall you must ensure that you keep it clean by washing away oil and dirt using a mild shampoo. This will also make sure that dandruff, which is known to cause hair fall, is eliminated in good time.
A balanced diet: Most people ignore the place of a proper diet in delaying hair loss. You must remember that many cases of hair fall are normally as a result of vitamin deficiency. A healthy body will lead to a healthy scalp and healthy hair.
Keep off chemicals: Most people are ignorant of the fact that chemicals can actually irritate the scalp. When the scalp becomes too dry or is damaged by chemicals, the result is that all will not be well for your hair.
Massage your scalp: Improve blood circulation on your scalp by applying massage techniques. The best time to massage your scalp would be when you are shampooing the hair. Good blood supply ensures a good supply of nutrients that will keep the hair healthy and also stimulate hair growth where it has been lost.
Manage your hormones: A common cause of hair fall is when hormones run amok. In men the hormone that is responsible for baldness and a receding hair line is known as dihydrotestoterone and in women estrogen is the responsible hormone. Men who have baldness in their family line will do well to block the action of dihydrotestoterone. Women need to get a safe way of making sure that there is a good balance of estrogen after pregnancy as well as during menopause.
When all is said and done, it is important to read widely about different treatments for hair loss so that when you know that cause of your hair loss, you will easily get a solution by hitting the nail on the head.
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