Is dry skin something you have been dealing with for a long time? Does it cause you a lot of irritation and even embarrassment? If this is the case then you should keep reading. There are many easy things you can start doing that will help you live free of dry skin for good. All you are going to have to do is follow these tips now.
One of the worst types of dry skin is angular cheilitis or angular stomatitis. It is that dryness that appears around the mouth and lips. It creates a lot of pain for many of its sufferers. And can make everyday things such as eating and talking seem difficult. But you can get rid of it easily. And one way you can do this is by increasing your daily intake of water. Drinking more water each day will help keep your skin moisturized and hydrated longer. And that is exactly what you are going to want. Just try your best to continue drinking enough water everyday. You would not want that dry skin to go away and then come right back. So it is vital you try and drink plenty of water each and everyday. Around 6 to 10 glasses is the perfect amount.
Another way you will be able to cure angular cheilitis is by avoiding licking your lips. Each time you lick your lips it can end up causing a dry skin condition such as angular cheilitis to form. The main reason why is due to the excess saliva drying out around your lips and corners of the mouth. And once it starts drying it will only keep on creating further redness and irritation. So it is best you avoid licking your lips as best you can. And instead you should be using a lip balm. The natural flavored ones work the best. As they will not cause anymore redness or forms of irritation.
One other thing you should try doing is applying either honey or a small amount of cucumber juice around the affected skin. Both work great at getting rid of dry cracked skin. And they will work much faster than any cream or moisturizer. Just make sure you are applying either one in the evening. That way you are not smelling like cucumbers or honey all day long.
If dry itchy skin is something you no longer want to be a part of your life then use these tips. They are the kinds of things that will help you get those fast results you have been waiting for.
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