Health & Medical Men's Health

The History of Alcohol Addiction

It is hard to say exactly when humans started fermenting berries, milk, grain and grapes to produce alcohol, but alcoholic beverages (referred to as "wine") have been mentioned in biblical passages as a means of celebration in religious rites, even before the time of Jesus Christ himself. It is not however, the imbibing of "spirits" that is forbidden in the bible, it is falling under the spell of "alcoholic spirits" that the bible is harsh about (Ephesians 5:18, Corinthians 6:12). The malady of alcohol addiction had been touched on countless times in the ancient pages of the bible. In fact, according to Proverbs 20:1, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is intoxicated by it is not wise."

On the other hand, the Colonials (people of the Colonial Period) of the United States saw alcohol as a recreational beverage and medicine.  A tolerance for drunkenness developed, as long as it did not interfere with work and church duties. The Colonials were of the opinion that alcohol was not the problem, the bigger problem was the person who could not control the impulse to drink. Colonials considered this "weakness" inexcusable and any evidence of it (alcohol addiction), worthy of punishment. The equivalent of alcohol rehab in the Colonial Times was "the stocks" (structures, in the public square, used  to grip the head and arms of habitual drunks), where drunken reprobates were publicly shamed.

During the Industrial Revolution, various social ills plagued the new country of America. Social problems such as crime and poverty were seen as offshoots of alcohol addiction, and aggressive actions were taken to eliminate alcohol use. Alcohol Reform Movements aggressively led an anti-alcohol information campaign to change Americans' perception of alcohol. Because Americans, themselves, found it difficult to eradicate alcohol addiction even during The Prohibition, the view of alcohol as a "health problem" was founded.

The Founding of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) to Combat Alcohol Addiction

In 1935, in Akron, Ohio, Bill Wilson was about to succumb to alcohol cravings after 6 months of sobriety. Just as he was about to give in to his desire for drink, he met Dr. Bob Smith, a surgeon. Dr. Bob was still in the strong throes of alcohol addiction despite his deteriorating health. But together, they found that they could stay off drink for a day. Two desperate alcoholics found that together, they could manage sobriety one day at a time, based on the shared experience of hopeless alcohol addiction. Both of them eventually co-founded AA (alcoholics Anonymous).

And the rest, as they say, is history.

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