The success of every bodybuilding program depends on understanding nutrition and diet.
And for ectomorph bodybuilders, this is true even more.
No doubt, your ectomorph workout is the key, but your ectomorph diet plan is the door behind which lies the strong, muscular body you dream of.
Although for serious ectomorph bodybuilder the diet is important at any time and day, it is the pre-workout and post workout diet plan that has the most immediate impact on your muscles.
The nutrients right after your workout will give you a muscle building edge you need in order to progress, while the nutrients you give your body before the workout will have instant effect on the quality and effectiveness of your training.
You absolutely need to pay a lot of attention to food and supplements you take 90 minutes before and 90 minutes after workout.
Lifting weights not only tires your muscles (and often your mind too), but actually creates a microscopic tears inside your muscles.
It is while resting after your training, and especially while sleeping, when your body starts repairing those tears, using the nutrients you provided.
Think of the food as the cement that is used to build your muscles.
After workout, your muscles are "hungry", and to feed them quickly and effectively, you should give them fast absorbing carbohydrates, best in the form of glycogen.
Without glycogen, your muscles may not be able to start up the recovery process as efficiently as they could with the glycogen.
The best source of glycogen can be found in fruits.
I especially like to eat bananas after my workouts, because they are also a great source of potassium.
If you can, instead of eating solid food, consider drinking a post workout supplement.
It does not have to be a commercial product, it can be a drink you make yourself, such as fruit juice consisting of various fruits.
However, commercial supplement usually has a higher concentration and is more balanced.
It may, if considering the actual concentration and ease of preparation be a cheaper option than home made drink.
Either way, it is vitally important you give your body glycogen, no matter how you decide to do it.
The second essential nutrient in your post workout diet is, of course, protein.
It is protein that is the main building block for your muscles.
You already probably know that the best source of protein is eggs, lean meat or fish, however, these foods take time to be processed and absorbed into your blood stream.
Therefore, it is better to actually drink a protein drink after workout.
It absorbs quickly and does not overload your digestive system.
When it comes to post-workout protein, there is no special ectomorph supplement, so the criteria for buying a protein supplement is simply the amount of protein in a serving, and taste and flavor you prefer.
Again, you can mix your own drink, but trust me, the commercial protein drinks are typically actually cheaper when you consider the amount and quality of protein they supply in one serving.
Plus, they just taste much better than drinking some milk shake with raw egg whites.
Then again, Rocky drank that and it certainly worked for him...
You should take both carbohydrate drink, and protein drink within 30 minutes after workout.
Then, 60-90 minutes after workout you should have a regular, quality meal.
The meal should be well balanced carbs and protein meal, such as lean beef or chicken with rice or potatoes.
If you workout at the evening, make sure the meal is not too big.
Overeating before going to sleep makes your sleep shallow, and deep sleep is vital for releasing growth hormone and relaxing and building your muscles (remember the little tears in your muscles after the workout that need to be repaired!).
This simple and fairly inexpensive ectomorph diet plan will ensure you give your muscles what they need to grow and get stronger, and you will start seeing dramatic results very soon, even if you are an ectomorph bodybuilder.
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