- There are many possible causes for yellowing grass after using Ortho Weed B Gon. The product is designed for use on perennial ryegrass, bentgrass, Bermuda grass, zoysia, bluegrass and Bahia grass. It should never be used on St. Augustine or centipede grass. If you used Ortho Weed B Gon on grass that it was not intended for or on newly seeded grass, it can damage, discolor or even kill turf. Using larger-than-recommended dosages can also cause damage and discoloration, even on turf types listed on the Ortho label. It is also possible to damage grass if Weed B Gon is used on hot or windy days; even if used on recommended turf, it can easily drift with the breeze and fall on grass for which it is unsafe. If you used the product on Bermuda grass, temporary yellowing may occur, but this is normal.
- There is no way to reverse damage done by the misuse of herbicides, including Ortho Weed B Gon. Wait to see if your lawn grows out of it. It is normal for the grass to remain yellow or look damaged for several weeks following herbicide damage. Bermuda grass will recover from temporary yellowing in time.
- Most plants and grass will recover if the damage done by Ortho Weed B Gon is minimal. Unless you have applied excessive amounts of the product or applied it to grasses it can damage, your lawn should recover. Recovery time depends on the level of damage.
- Make sure to read the Ortho Weed B Gon label carefully and follow all application instructions. Avoid applying the product to newly seeded lawns, during hot spells with temperatures above 90 degrees F and on windy days. Water your lawn prior to application if the soil is dry and only apply the amount of herbicide recommended to the types of grasses listed on the label. Lawns are less likely to be damaged with fall applications of herbicides because grass is established and less vulnerable to harm. For small weed problems, hand pulling of weeds or spot applications of herbicides can help prevent misuse.
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