Are you struggling to make any real money online? Be honest...
you're working hard, right? But you're probably frustrated.
DON'T give up! The simple truth is that just about everyone reading this right now CAN make a full time living on line, and simply tweaking a few simple things you're doing WRONG right now, is often ALL that's required to do it.
I'm going to share a few simple tweaks I made to one of my own recent campaigns, and the dramatic increase in sales (and profits) that came from it was nothing short of amazing.
Use Blogs to Sell Your Stuff: (rather than traditional sales pages) It's crazy how much better a blog will convert, once someone is on your list.
Once they opt in, instead of sending a whole bunch of emails that direct them to an affiliate sales page, or even your OWN sales page (for your own products if you've got them) simply write SHORT emails, and drive them back to your blog to read the full "lesson".
From there, within the post - you'll send the to the affiliate product page, or your own "buy" page.
It works super well.
Why? Because blogs are conversational, more personal and far more interactive.
The other thing of course, is that people will comment on your stuff, say nice things, ask questions and engage with your content on a blog, rather than on a static sales page.
(which by definition, traditionally can't be done, right?) Which leads to tip #2...
Get HYPER Active & Use Comments to "Survey" Your List in Real Time Answer questions.
All of them.
Respond to all comments.
It encourages a deeper level of interaction, and quite naturally, establishes trust and credibility automatically.
(one of the primary obstacles that traditional sales pages can't accomplish) The more we interacted on the comments section of one of our affiliate blogs, the MORE the sales started to rise..
and continue to this very day.
(and this wasn't even MY product - just a random Clickbank marketplace choice) Very powerful stuff - it's easy to implement and works like magic for me (and will for you as well..
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