If you have ever experienced an anxiety or panic attack then you know how terrifying it can be.
The sudden sense of being out of control, the fear that you may be having a heart attack or dying are moments that feel like a horrific eternity.
If this sounds at all familiar you are not alone.
I suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks after years of cumulative family and business stress.
One morning, after a major emotional shock triggered an attack, I found myself on a gurney in emergency care with doctors and nurses performing an electrocardiogram, commonly called an EKG, plus other medical tests to see if I should be rushed to the hospital.
The conclusion? I was NOT having a heart attack but was in fact having a severe panic attack that mimicked all the symptoms of a cardiac event.
It was the first time I had ever heard about such attacks.
That episode or attack lasted for more than an hour and once it subsided and I could think clearly I was determined to find a way to stop whatever was triggering the attacks and eliminate these episodes from my life.
What I discovered and how it could help stop your anxiety and panic attacks Cut Back on Coffee A rule of thumb for panic attacks is to cut down on coffee which has caffeine which can make you jittery.
I was a big cup of Joe guy and would keep filling my cup to the brim all morning with my favorite sweeteners and creams.
I was imbibing enough caffeine to fuel a race car and if a potential anxiety attack triggering event occurred, the caffeine overload made it much more difficult to prevent a full blown attack.
Drink decaffeinated coffee or green tea instead.
They taste great and can help you avoid the negative side effects of caffeine.
Avoid Alcohol and Drugs I am not much of a drinker but I learned that one of the worse things you could do is to self medicate with booze.
The immediate numbing of the senses or euphoria will soon be replaced with depression, neurological imbalances that affect your thinking or other reactions which may actually contribute to a the triggering of an attack and may make one more intense.
Worse than alcohol is illegal drugs with even more serious side effects, not the least of which is that they are against the law and could land you in jail.
If you are not convinced, then just imagine having a panic attack at the county slammer.
Enough said.
Increase Your Carbohydrate Load My father was a college professor in health sciences.
For years he told me that having an extra portion of carbohydrates at night such as bread or pasta were helpful in making you feel relaxed and sleepy.
Right he was.
A big plate of spaghetti can in fact make you sleepy, relaxed and calm, quite the opposite of how you feel when an anxiety attack is imminent.
Get Plenty of Sleep Once again I was guilty of not getting adequate rest or sleep.
I would work on projects or reports till after 3 in the morning, then go to bed for an hour or so and get right back up.
After all, that work was just so darn important I could not sleep anymore.
Of course, that is ridiculous.
By not affording my body and system the opportunity for much needed rest I was negatively impacting my physical and emotional health, almost asking for a triggering event to bring on an anxiety or panic attack to my weakened body and mind.
Sleep deprivation can cause stress on your body and your mind.
So, get plenty of sleep at night.
Feeling sleepy during the day has many drawbacks.
Your body needs sleep to recuperate and rejuvenate during the night so you are rested and can function at your fullest during the day.
Channel Your Thoughts I am not suggesting some new age guru mumbo jumbo here to help you attain a state of emotional or physical nirvana.
I am simply recommending that you make a decision to think about things and events that bring you happiness and peace.
Then channel or direct your mind to think only about those positive and calming people, places, images and events.
By adhering to these dietary and lifestyle change I significantly reduced the number and intensity of anxiety and panic attacks.
Now, I no longer suffer form them at all.
Be devoted to your course of action and you can end your panic and anxiety attacks as well
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