Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Types of Content Writing Jobs

As a freelance writer it is important to understand the different types of content writing jobs that are out there.
Using the right terminology can help you to land the jobs you're looking for, but if you use the wrong words, it can cost you work just as quickly.
Taking the time to get a good understanding of what these jobs are will help you to make a proposal or bid to get the jobs you need.
Before I list the types of content writing jobs which I most commonly see, it is important to note that the definitions I am using are not universally accepted.
Some people use the term article to describe just about any content they are purchasing.
Others, however, will use the term article as one specific type of content.
This can make it difficult to make a proposal properly, but I'll give some specific tips on this at the end of this post.
Included in this list of types of content, I'll add in some quick tips to learn how to win a bid for each type of job.
Different Types of Content Writing Jobs -Article Writing Jobs - Generally this is a fairly generic term used by many clients.
Some people use it very broadly to mean almost any type of writing, and others use it only for actual articles which they will publish on their websites.
Avoid using the term article with a potential client, unless they have used it first.
-Blog Posts - Writing for someone else's blog is quite common, and is typically done as a ghostwriting job.
As you would expect, when people mention that they are hiring for blog posts, they want content which will fit on their blog.
Before bidding, visit their blog if possible to get a feel for what they want, then try to reflect that style in your bid.
If their blog is comical, try to be funny with your proposal.
If it is academic, take a more serious tone.
-Sales Copy - Sales copy is used to convince the reader to take some sort of action.
High-quality sales copy can be worth $1 per word or even more, so you want to make sure you take this into account when making your bid.
Treat your proposal as sort of a mini-sales copy to show the client what you can do.
-Newsletters - A newsletter is normally sent out to an email subscribers list to provide news and information to the reader.
A typical newsletter will be 750-1500 words, and give some specific current information about the topic.
When bidding, mention some current-events resources you may use to write the newsletter, or if you can't find any, ask the client to suggest some.
This will show that you know what they are looking for and improve the odds of getting hired.
-Press Release - A press release is used by customers to announce an important event, product or other timely item to the news sites.
When done properly, these can get the client's announcement posted in hundreds of places on the internet.
It can also bring in many great back links quite quickly.
When applying for a press release job, ask specific questions about the information your writing about.
When you're not sure what to ask, keep the "Who, What, When, Where, Why" questions in mind.
-Technical Writing - Technical writing can be very similar to article or web content, but it is about a specific subject which requires exact information.
Some examples of technical writing could be medical writing, IT writing (obviously), dental writing, engineering topics and more.
When applying for these jobs, list any specific experience you have in the area.
Mention any certifications you might carry as well, even if they are only loosely related.
If you can find some industry jargon to use, that can help as well, but only if used properly.
-Web Content - Like article writing, this is a type of content writing job which can mean something different to each client.
Of course, it will be content published on the web, but that is very broad.
When bidding, try to feel the customer out a little bit by asking leading questions to see exactly what they are looking for before giving a specific price.
These are the most common types of writing I do, though there are others out there.
If there is a specific type of writing job you'd like more information on, please let me know and I'll do some research and experiments with it so I can add a bullet point to this list.
One last tip when it comes to working with potential new clients.
Always try to use the same types of words and descriptions that they are using.
If, for example, they say they are looking for "someone to provide high-quality web content for their site," you should always use the term 'web-content' when referring to the job.
If you change the terminology used to blog posts or even article writing, they might be put off.
This is because some people have a negative view of article writing in general.
Right or wrong, speaking in the same style as your clients is a great way to improve the odds of getting hired for the job.

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