Aphrodisiacs - Increasing your desire for sex with Aphrodisiacs is often the simplest way to help with your Libido.
Supplements are easily incorporated into your lifestyle in order to help improve your sexual desire.
Dietary Aphrodisiacs - Increases in Libido are also strongly associated with diet and some simple changes can help you raise your sex drive.
Many food products that help stimulate sexual desire are easily accessible and can be put into most recipes in order to increase your desire for sex.
Such foods include: honey, ginger, cucumber, chocolate and the ever popular 'love food' oysters.
These Foods increase your desire for sex by helping blood flow and they aid the stimulation of the important hormones involved in the male Libido.
As a bonus point, the more exotic foods make a perfect way to show off to your partner when making a romantic meal! 3.
Hormones - Your sex drive is closely related to levels of hormones in your body and logically the higher these hormones are, the greater your sexual desire! Increasing important hormones such as Testosterone can simply be done through regular exercise.
Furthermore, increasing Zinc intake also increases the hormone Testosterone.
This can be done by using Zinc supplements or eating food with high levels of zinc such as milk, cheese and peanuts.
Other such foods that help the levels of Testosterone include certain vegetables such as Broccoli and Cauliflower which both counter act the Testosterone inhibiting effects of some Estrogens and in turn help improve your libido.
Vitamins - Vitamins increase your desire for sex by stimulating hormones and they also aid blood flow to the sexual organs thus increasing your libido.
Less Self Love! - Masturbation is commonly associated to decreases in libido and it is widely accepted that only masturbating once every three days is the easiest way to help increase your libido.
Stress - Your libido and stress levels are closely linked as higher levels of stress quite simply mean a lower desire for sex.
In order to combat this try and take the pressures of both work and even your relationship out of your sex life, as stress is a great inhibitor of sexual desire.
Your partner should understand that all the pressure isn't on you and that you must both be patient.
Be intimate and take your time on each other and remember to keep the stress out of the bedroom! 7.
State of mind - To increase your desire for sex, you have to think positively.
With your mind in the right place everything 'comes' easier! Plan your diets well and record your progress.
It's much easier to see genuine increases if you can document the amount you want sex and you will feel better when you see just how big a gain in libido you have had.
More importantly make it fun and not a chore and your hard work will reward you with a greater desire for sex!
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