Many people stick to developing their financial side, or improving their health and this is why the most common resolutions have something to do with getting out of debt, saving more money, getting a better job, losing weight, exercising regularly, watching what you eat etc.
The other aspect of improving your health is not to increase the things that are good for you, but to decrease the things that are bad for you, mainly including drinking and smoking.
Smoking is one of leading causes of lung cancer and affects millions of people all over the world.
It affects your blood (increased toxin levels in your blood), heart (increased pressure on your heart when the nicotine enters your system resulting in a large amount of people suffering from a heart attack), brain (loss of brain functions due to poor blood supply to the brain), lungs (smoke build up in the lungs is directly related to lung cancer, emphysema, bronchitis etc) and many more.
After one quits smoking, the nicotine is already flushed out through the body after 48 hours.
This is why the 2 and 3 day hump is the hardest when trying to quit smoking - your body has gotten rid of all the nicotine supplies and the body is desperately craving more.
Keep up the good work though this difficult time because after this point it is much more manageable.
Due to all the dangers of smoking, many people want to quit in the New Year.
But how can you successfully quit smoking? There is no one method that works for everyone; some people think it is easier to quit all at once, while others prefer to cut down gradually.
Whatever way you decide to give it up, here are some tips that are universal to everyone attempting to leave smoking behind in the New Year:
- Write down a motivational list to look at during the difficult cravings (write this ahead of time of course).
Include personal reasons as to why it is so important that you quit.
Include things very real and not just the standard ones (ex If I don't quit, my fiancé will leave me) - Don't hang around other smokers outside during smoke break.
This is an obvious one - take yourself away from as many cravings as possible! Being around your buddies, inhaling their second hand smoke will only want to make you smoke more. - Find something else to do instead of smoking.
During the times when you normally smoke run around the block instead.
Exercise is very good for helping relieve those cravings and your lungs will thank you for the fresh air.