- Get at least three price quotes. Some companies offer cheaper insurance than other companies, but make sure to look at the various policies before making a decision. While one policy might be cheaper, it may not provide adequate protection. In addition to looking on your own, ask friends and relatives about their car insurance. They may be able to recommend a company they use and like.
- Deductibles are out-of-pocket costs you pay before your insurance company pays. The monthly cost of your policy will be much higher with a $200 deductible than a $500 deductible, for example. Remember, though, that you should have the cash on hand should you have an accident and need to cover your deductible. According to the Insurance Information Institute, a deductible increase from $200 to $500 could reduce coverage costs by 15 to 30 percent.
- Carrying two or more types of insurance, like car insurance and homeowner's insurance, through the same insurer can reduce the overall cost. Some companies also offer discounts if you have two or more vehicles insured. Still, it is a good idea to shop around since you may find it cheaper to have your car insurance through one company and your homeowner's insurance through another, for example.
- Insurance companies use credit ratings to assess the risk associated with insuring people. As a result, two people with the same vehicle may pay different amounts for their insurance, depending on their credit record. The best way to improve or maintain your credit is to pay your bills on time, use only the credit you need, and keep low balances on your credit cards.
- Ask your insurer if discounts are available. Some of the most common discounts are for a good driving record, good grades in school, or if you take a driving class that focuses, for example, on defensive driving.
- Some insurers will give you a break if your car includes safety features like air bags, automatic seat belts, and daytime running lights. Other cost savings might come because of a vehicle alarm system or device that deters thieves.
- If you drive relatively few miles a year, tell your insurer. Since your car is not on the road as much as other vehicles, you'll likely get a break.
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