Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Heroes of Newerth - A Guide For Panda

Pandamonium Guide for Darkwood Vale Pandamonium, or Panda for short, is a control hero.
All 4 of his abilities stun or move the enemy hero.
He is a great hero to play as a ganker, and he can tank a little bit as well.
Flurry allows you to farm waves of creeps in a few seconds as well as adding in that extra bit of damage to finish off an enemy hero.
Starting Items Purchase a flying courier and a bottle.
This will let you use your cannon ball ability often.
You will want to purchase steam boots when you make 1450 gold.
The strength will increase your hit points and damage.
Early Laning At level 2 you can start to harass the enemy hero.
Run up to him and flick followed by a cannon ball.
Auto attack as much as you can while they are snared from flick.
You won't be killing many people this early, but many enemies will be extra careful around you because the flick/cannon ball combo is so devastating.
When you have your ultimate you can chain disable an enemy hero to death.
Start out with a flick then a cannonball.
Get a couple auto attacks in while the enemy is stunned.
Right before the stun wears off use your ultimate.
If that doesn't kill them go ahead and flurry right after.
No hero at your level can survive that damage.
Mid Game You will want to purchase a shrunken head on Panda next.
It provides extra strength, damage, and magic immunity.
You want to activate it before using your ultimate so it doesn't get interrupted.
Late Game Purchase a behemoth's heart.
After that, any weapon that increases your damage will work.
Team Fights You have the ability to initiate team fights.
You can lead in with a cannonball to stun the enemy team, then flurry which will also limit their movements.
Finally, pick an enemy hero that needs to be shut down and use your ultimate on him.

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