I wished it to happen again and again
Though there was seen no gain
It was mental satisfaction at the core
I wanted it to happen and explore
She must walk in gently and shut the door
I may daze at her as very poor
She may walk in elegantly
And push me aside very gently
I may raise my head and watch at the sky
I had no reason to miss the joy and feel shy
The stars may twinkle in their own way
She may slidely open the door and go away
I never wanted her to disappear
Her long absence I could not bear
I wanted the fresh air to let in
To make me feel always keen
I will watch the sky and feel apart
She had almost become inseparable part
I can not think even whether she may stay or depart
I was feeling weary from the very start
Her presence was really a boost and amazing
The dark clouds always made me dazing
The sun shine may appear and remove the fear
I may then rub the eyes to clear it from tears
I wanted to smile and watch her from window
She may always appear from the distance as shadow
As the figure may draw closer and appear
I shall feel happiness and force the smile to wear
Her foot steps brought the fresh fragrance
She was always wanted and welcome hence
I could think of no more powerful gesture
I had full faith in coming days as bright future
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