- The uvula is a small piece of soft tissue covered in a mucus membrane that dangles down over the back of the tongue, behind the soft palate. It has its own muscle that allows it to stiffen and swell, filling up the space in the back of the throat. It serves to keep food from going down the wrong way into the breathing passages during swallowing, and it traps bacteria that could potentially enter the digestive tract.
- There are many different causes of swelling, including allergies, tonsillitis, colds and bacterial infections. Hot liquids can burn the uvula, causing discomfort. Dry throat, caused by breathing through the mouth, can also cause swelling and pain. Other causes can be excessive smoking, dehydration or the inhalation of irritants.
- Take ibuprofen and gargle with salt water. Eat ice chips to bring down swelling.
Make a cup of hot tea and add a few teaspoons of honey. This will soothe your throat.
Cough drops and over-the-counter throat sprays are made for such throat problems and can relieve pain and dryness.
Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and gargle twice a day.
Take plenty of vitamin C to boost your immune system, especially if you have tonsillitis or a bacterial infection.
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