What is Mesotherapy?
Mesotherapy is a modern procedure for cellulite reduction or weight loss spot reduction. It"s a natural procedure involving multiple injections of enzymes, amino acids into fat layers in the mesoderm to eliminate fat.
Generally mesotherapy is modern painless injection which contains certain amino acids, minerals, vitamins and medications. Many of the people now use mesotherapy treatment for reducing fat and cellulite problem. That"s reason mesotherapy can also be used for reducing weight, face and neck rejuvenation and hair re-growth apart from reducing and treating cellulite. This painless injection is mainly prepared individually which depends upon its intension and it is quite different from other types of medical treatments.
The Mesotherapy spot reduction treatment is series of small, pin prick injections just below the skin to mobilize & melt away body fat. That means weight loss can be targeted at specific body parts such as the tummy, love handles, butt, thighs and flabby arms. It"s also commonly known as "spot reduction".
The mesotherapy for cellulite & fat reduction therapy also helps to break the group of those connective tissues by injecting few amounts of mesoderm in order to break the cellulite levels. This in reality improves lymphatic, venous drainage and blood circulation so that the toxins are eliminated and rejuvenate the body. This particular treatment takes approximately 10 minutes and is painless as the injections are not given very deep into the muscles.
The mesotherapy treatment for cellulite & fat reducing does not possess any risks as compared to other therapies like radioactive surgeries or techniques. However, cellulite is the only condition which needs deep attention and therefore, along with mesotherapy treatment certain medications must also be given in order to get superior results.
Mesotherapy is a very safest cellulite and fat reduction treatment and have no major side effects. This treatment performed by a trained and certified therapist. No deaths have occurred due to this treatment in the past 50 years. The good thing is, almost all patients can do their daily tasks after taking this treatment. Bed rest is not required for Mesotherapy.
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