Home & Garden Home Appliances

Five Easy Steps to Building a Fire in Your Fireplace

What is better on a crisp autumn evening or a cold wintry night than a roaring fire in the fireplace? Fireplaces offer not only a feeling of warmth, but also comfort and are a very popular fixture in many American homes.
However, how many people actually know the correct (and safe) way to build a fire in their fireplace? Here are a few easy steps to help you get started.
  1. First, make sure your fireplace has a grate to permit air flow from beneath the blaze and a screen to contain sparks.
    Clean out all but about 2 inches of ashes and open the chimney damper.
  2. Be sure to use well-seasoned wood.
    Wet or freshly cut wood is difficult to burn and can cause smoke.
    Hard wood burns longer and deposit less creosote in the chimney that soft woods.
  3. Begin by laying a large log at the back of the fireplace grate and a slightly smaller log about 4 inches in front of the larger log.
  4. Fill in the space between the two logs with several sheets of crumpled newspaper--black and white print only.
    On top of the newspaper place some loosely crisscrossed kindling and twigs.
    These should be no more than 1 inch in diameter.
    On top of the kindling, lay a small log.
  5. Next, use a match or a handheld fire starter to light the newspaper.
    Be patient and give the fire a chance to take hold.
    As it does take hold, make sure that the top log settles in between the two larger logs.
    As the fire burns keep pushing the front log toward the rear and replace it when space allows.
    Add another top log, if desired.
If you have trouble getting the fire started, or the room fills with smoke, it could be the result of several things.
  • The chimney could need cleaning.
    Be sure to have the chimney inspected and cleaned on an annual basis.
    Creosote build-up can cause many problems, including chimney fires.
  • The room may need more air--open a window to get some air circulating.
  • Air may be flowing upward in the fireplace, instead of downward.
    To rectify this, turn off any exhaust fans and hold a burning newspaper beneath the flue opening.
Fireplaces can be a wonderful place to gather the family around.
They offer comfort as well as warmth.
However, it is important to keep safety in mind so that no unexpected events spoil the fun.

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