Health & Medical Anxiety

Relaxation Techniques You Can Use to Overcome Social Anxiety

If you get nervous when you are at a social gathering or even just a trip to the grocery store makes you get heart palpitations, you are not alone.
Many folks suffer from social anxiety all over the world.
This problem can range from mild to severe and can even be debilitating for some.
There are some techniques to help you overcome social anxiety.
The first and most important thing you can do to begin your quest in overcoming social anxiety is to realize you are not the only one and to quit feeling bad about it.
This disorder does not make you a loser or any such thing.
Social Anxiety Disorder is not who you are, but something you have.
It can be overcome and you can do this by following some simple steps to get started.
Once you understand that social anxiety is not who you are and that you do not have to beat yourself up over it, you can begin to evaluate just what causes/triggers your social phobia.
This can be anything from public speaking to taking a test in school.
Anything done in public that causes your hands and/or body to sweat excessively, hyperventilation, shaking, rapid heart beat and/or heart pounding, dry mouth, dizziness or upset stomach are considered symptoms of social anxiety.
All these symptoms can be overcome with some simple relaxation exercises.
Keep in mind that everyone is different, so results will vary.
Some people may need to change their diet, add healthy natural supplements, or in very severe cases medical advice to help overcome social anxiety.
Relaxation techniques can come in handy and can be done just about anywhere you go.
Deep breathing is one of the most effective relaxation techniques you can use to thwart off any symptoms you may experience when you are in a public forum.
Deep breathing technique: Find a quiet place where you can concentrate on your breathing.
Sit in a comfortable spot on the floor, the bed or a chair.
Close your eyes and concentrate on just breathing deeply.
Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose for 4 to 10 seconds and hold it for at least 2 seconds (5 to 10 seconds if you can).
Breathe out through your mouth slowly (about 6 to 10 seconds) letting as much of the air out as you can (as if you are emptying your lungs).
If you know you have a social engagement you must attend, you should really perform relaxation exercises prior to getting dressed and again just before you leave.
You can also perform this technique in a private spot anywhere and anytime to help you overcome social anxiety.

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