My name is Rene Eram and I have been studying and researching alcoholism and addiction recovery for 15 years. I have been clean and sober since August 1st. 1987. I teach a series of workshops on recovery, codependency and spirituality for addicts in treatment and all self help programs.
I am also a filmmaker, a writer/director and worked for many years directing TV commercials in Los Angeles and Idyllwild Ca., where I have lived most my life. In 2009 I was in pre-production as the writer/director on my indie film project "Shrinking Charlotte". Just before filming began my lead actress suddenly passed away. Her name was Brittany Murphy.
I have lost many friends and family over the years to addiction but Brittany Murphy's death motivated me more that ever to uncover and discover the real cause of addiction and the solutions needed for the strongest recovery process. Here are the questions I have focused on.
What creates addiction and where does it come from? Why do some people become addicts and others don't? Why do some addicts become full blown in their teen years and others later in life? Why are addicts in denial about their addiction? What can someone do to help an addict they love? Why does an addict lose complete control of their substance or behavior use? Why does addiction progress and lead to insanity and death? Does an addict love his addiction more than his loved ones? Why does an addict destroy their entire life for a substance or behavior? And finally€¦what is the cure or strongest treatment for recovery?
Before I could answer any of these questions, I designed several integrated educational workshops on recovery, codependency, core personality retrieval and spirituality. These would be my tools to research, explore and build my addiction model. During several of my educational workshops on relationships, spirituality and codependency, I started noticing many addicts with long term sobriety had very little awareness or understanding of their unconscious, codependency patterns and behavior. I also observed addicts can be "pulled" out of their "core identity", by an unconscious, negative, gravitational force. This opened a new door and exposed deeper patterns I believe have not been revealed or discovered. Through my continual workshops and spiritual exploration, I have discovered in the addicts deep unconscious a pattern I have named €The Addicts Loop€.
The €addict's loop€ is created from two maladaptive codependency roles, inherited and/or unconsciously learned and conditioned during child/teen years. One role is the €controller€, who learns to rescue, save and fix a "dependent", to feel connected, important, loved and received. The second unconsciously learned and conditioned role is the "dependent€, who emotionally leans on and desperately needs the controller to survive and help carry their emotional life, to feel loved and received. These two codependent roles create an unconscious, magnetic, revolving door attraction to each other of...
"Longing - Connection - Love Bond - Euphoric High/Fix - Reveal - Rejection - Longing - Abandonment"
An example of this progression would be a child on a roller coaster that goes around the "addict's loop". On the left side of the addict's loop the child obsesses and dishonestly performs for their connection, love bond and "euphoric high/fix", to feel accepted, received and loved. This left side could be considered the bright, "sunny side" of the loop filled with hope and promise.
After the roller coaster reaches the peak and creates the "love bond" and "euphoric high/fix", the child/teen will attempt to manipulate and control their connection and "fix", to establish any sense of security. Because the love bond is created from the destructive roles of codependency, the child/teen will sooner or later, be forced into the right side of the addict's loop.
On the right side of the loop, imagine the child/teen entering a dark, scary tunnel that represents "rejection and abandonment". As the child enters the dark tunnel, they close their eyes and deny the scary tunnel exists. The child/teen is overwhelmed and not able to psychologically process their "rejection and abandonment" and instead creates an unconscious reservoir of repressed anger, fear and emotional pain. After leaving the scary tunnel, the child's fear and obsession fuels the child's journey back up through the "sunny side" of the loop to find their "love bond" and "euphoric high/fix".
A child/teen might circle the "addict's loop", over a thousand times before leaving home, creating an unconscious, progressive, "stacking effect", of repressed fear, anger and emotional pain that continually and unconsciously tries to surface. During early teen years substance use and/or obsessive behavior, might be used to numb and escape the powerful surfacing "pain load", from the revolving door effect of the loop.
As the "dependent" child becomes a teen/adult, they will usually gravitate to a "controller" for their intimate relationships. A "controller" teen/adult will usually gravitate to a "dependent".
These relationships attract with the obsessive power of a drug addiction, creating an accelerated €euphoric high/fix€ connection. The "addict's loop" is created "between the couple" and can give the "illusion" of substance and/or behavioral addiction during the relationship.
An example might be, the dependent begins losing control and over eating and gains considerable amount of weight during the codependency relationship. Once the relationship ends the dependent discovers they can regain control over their food intake and lose the added weight.
During several of my workshops on codependency, core personality retrieval and spirituality, I discovered that most addicts have both "dependent" and "controller" roles conditioned and fixed in their unconscious. An analogy might be to imagine two high-tech machines, standing opposite each other in the addict's unconscious that rotate and create the €addict's loop€ between them 24/7. The addict has the codependency addiction relationship, permanently fixed in their unconscious mind.
The Biochemical Loop
For generations the "addict's loop" of...
€Longing - Connection - Love Bond - Euphoric High/Fix - Reveal - Rejection - Longing - Abandonment"
...has been unconsciously communicated to the human biology, that can create an analogous "Biochemical Loop" of...
"Craving - Preparation - Connection - Euphoric High/Fix - Withdrawal- Detox - Craving - Depression"
Similar to the "addict's loop", the "biochemical loop",is obsessive and aware of the left side, €craving, preparation, connection, "euphoric high/fix€ and also blocks out the right denial side, €withdrawal, detox, craving, abandonment and depression€.
This can explain why the addict blindly protects and makes excuses for their substance and/or behavior use and why they deny and block the right side of the loop's withdrawal, detox, depression, hangover and experience it as something new and disturbing each time. The addict attempts(just as the child/teen does in the addict's loop)to maintain and control their "euphoric high/fix", unconsciously avoiding and escaping the right side of the loop's withdrawal, detox and depression. The addict creates a "straight arming" effect with substance use, keeping their unconscious, repressed, "pain load" in the "addict's loop" from surfacing.
The addict's surrounding codependency relationships create a "charging system", for the unconscious "addict's loop", which can explain some of the addict's ebb and flow of their substance and/or behavioral addiction.
I believe I have found and discovered the answers to all my questions above. The pieces and parts I have used to build my addiction model are not new, they have been around for many years. It was my concept and design that filled in the missing links and revealed the answers and hidden patterns.
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