The side effects of medication should be carefully considered when a man is weighing up the choice between taking naturally occurring erection herbs or the little blue pill prescribed by Doctor.
Every man knows of medication and the fact that it can induce hard erections in the majority of males.
But how about sexual desire? What exactly is it that men are putting into their bodies when they take it? And more importantly, what can the side effects of medication be? Dependency on a drug The question to ask oneself is: "Would you take a drug to behave normally in life?" Would you for example, take alcohol every time you needed to talk to someone, take sleeping pills every time you needed to sleep or take amphetamines every time you needed to stay up late to work? For nearly everyone, the answer is no to every one of these questions.
Few people take drugs and when they do it's rarely because they need to; it's because they want to.
So why should you have to take a drug produced synthetically every single time you need to obtain normal, hard erections? Depending on a pill to make love leaves you in a precarious position and vulnerable.
What if you can't get a doctor's prescription? What if it's costing you more than you can afford? What if you run out of pills and a potentially highly pleasurable sexual encounter turns out to be an embarrassing failure because you lost your pill? Many men would think that they'd have no alternatives to using medication, but this is wrong.
There are ways of boosting male libido, achieving hard erections regularly and increasing sexual desire by using only natural methods that involve herbs, libido increasing food and lifestyle.
Effect on your eyes Medication for erections can sometimes affect the eyesight of those who take it.
It works by blocking an enzyme called PDE5.
Blocking this enzyme leads to stronger erections when a man is sexually aroused.
It also blocks another enzyme called PDE6 which is used to maintain the color vision in the retina part of the eye.
Taking these pills after some time can lead to problems with seeing colors correctly.
Headaches and heart palpitations Headaches from taking this drug are allegedly fairly common.
There is no real explanation for this, although many experts claim that men should understand that strong drugs are not always for everyone.
Certain health conditions that may not have otherwise caused any problems can become evident after some time of taking erection pills.
Men with sensitive hearts have also reported having irregular heartbeats and palpitations.
This can be quite serious if not checked out beforehand.
There have been stories of men falling extremely ill after buying pills online without consulting their doctor first.
There have even been articles in the press about this drug causing deafness in hundreds of men.
Negative effects of medication when combined with other drugs As certain drugs boosts levels of nitric oxide, taking any other drug that performs a similar function (ie.
Nitroglycerin) at the same time can lead to excessive levels of nitric oxide in the body resulting in a higher blood flow and potential health problems and complications.
There are other, natural methods of increasing blood circulation and even of boosting nitric oxide in the body that don't have the same worrying side effects.
Alternatives to Using Medication If you have some doubts about the side effects of these treatments and needing prescription pills to achieve erections, then you'll be looking for good, natural alternatives.
Many people refer to herbal libido boosters the natural alternative.
This isn't quite accurate, as herbs actually cause you to have a healthy, functioning libido rather than inducing erections artificially.
Using herbal erection supplements boosts testosterone, improves circulation and helps optimize the balance of the brain with the body.
After a certain time, many men rarely even need to continue taking herbal supplements, so there is no dependency on any pill.
Herbs help men to develop a naturally healthy sex drive, high sexual desire and stronger erections that last for longer.
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