Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Great Volleyball Drills For Beginning Players

Exercises volleyball perhaps not the best way to spend an afternoon, but the formation of volleyball and will make you a better player! Volleyball is one of the most fun sports, especially for those who enjoy going to the beach. Inside or play beach volleyball can be fun, but a lot of people take it seriously and spend a lot of time in practice. If you want to improve your skills and become a player for the volleyball great, it is important to spend some time doing exercises and training as a volleyball volleyball.

Volleyball Drills: Exercises for Beginners
For those looking to improve their skills as a beginner, there are plenty of exercises for volleyball, you can try. Some of the best military training for volleyball for beginners pick up volleyball for the first time:

Hit the wall
For those who have yet to develop their skills with the passage of the balls in their hands, hitting the spot on the wall is a challenge. You can draw a circle, attached a piece of cloth, or a mental one place to hit the wall, and bounce the ball on the wall. This will help you not only to work on hitting the ball with your fingers, but will help you to get quite right in the corner as well.

Mixing and pass
This exercise requires two people standing face to face. One person throwing the ball to someone else, and they come and go. The practice of passing with the hands and fingers, and hit the ball with the forearms. This will help to improve both the accuracy and the ability to assess the ability to set or pass the ball.

Wall Units
Many beginners find it difficult to prevent the ball without touching the net. This process is basically jump up and touch the spot on the wall with your hands, but without some of your arms touching the wall. Be sure to use appropriate for your cluster, and will help to improve your ability to stop without hitting the net.

Line passing
Volleyball this year requires a lot of people, at least four to one side. All the players have lined up in two lines facing each other, and the first person to pass the ball to the first person on the other line. Once the ball is passed, and turns from the back of the line. This process continues for a period of at least 10 minutes to get accustomed to all the players hit the ball and move quickly.

Volleyball Drills: There are three types of exercises volleyball
Now that I got some training by way of volleyball for beginners, it is important that you understand these three types of training volleyball players to more advanced:

1: strategic, tactical and systematic
These military exercises for volleyball to focus on teamwork, tactics and strategy for players outthink the opposing team. These exercises usually involve a set of skills that were used during the game, and they use the individual skills of each player to improve the team as a whole. Try these exercises:

Two versus six
Seem unfair, but opposes two players against six players will learn about defensive play as well as working together effectively.

You have a player on each side of the grid, and that fly against each other in a limited area. They can hit the ball once with sleeves, and allow them to work on endurance, running speed, and put the ball.

Two on two
Split the team into smaller teams of two players, and oppose each other. The winning team is to play until they lose, the teams change after every loss. All these exercises help your team to work together and understand each other's strengths and weaknesses.

2: movement and occupation-specific
These exercises volleyball training to work on specific skills and movements that each player needs to develop, such as service, diving, blocking, setting, and height. All of these exercises and go through the motions for the development of skills, and they are usually for beginners exercises (see above). Movement a little more specific powers and exercises to try:

Progressive Service
Coordination between all the players in two lines on the back of the court, and their service to another. The person who serves the ball spin on the back of the line on the opposite side of the court.

Definition drilling
Put a player on each side of the grid, and have them put the ball to each other on the network. This helps to improve the accuracy of the estimation of height.

Enrich the practice
The presence of two players from each side of the network, and have them take turns preparing and height of the ball over the goal.

3: Packaging Volleyball
It is designed volleyball exercises to improve general fitness of your, which helps to give you strength and endurance training for volleyball. Here are some exercises just for the packaging of volleyball:

Attacks in a row
This exercise helps to teach players how to attack the ball on every shot, no matter how tired they are. Put someone to put the ball, and hit points many balls as necessary until it is put in the range of 10 points.

Rotating the triangle
Put three players in the triangle of crude on the ground, and pass the ball to another. Once the third player hits the ball, they turn all to the next position, without letting the ball touch the ground.

Ask each player to lie on the ground, and fry on their feet, and pass the ball when the whistle blows. This helps to improve the speed with which can be cured of diving. Will focus more on strength and speed, reflexes and stamina, which are necessary in a game of volleyball.

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