In this article, you will learn some of the most effective tips and methods to cure acne permanently and prevent any future breakout for good.
If you follow just some of the tips contained in this article, I am very confident that you will see a drastic improvement in your skin's complexion soon.
Stopping Stress Stress is just as bad to your health as it is to your skin.
Stress can trigger an elevated production of hormone androgens which will directly stimulate the oil glands to produce more oil.
This will ultimately clog your pores and kick start the formation of acne.
Proper Makeup Removal Make sure you completely remove your makeup by using a proper cleansing routine and makeup removing cleanser.
Any leftover can trigger a breakout.
Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil is the best natural topical acne medication that you can use.
It is a better alternative to benzoyl peroxide which is the mainstream active ingredient in most of the topical acne solutions on the market for years now.
While tea tree oil is a very effective solution for acne, make sure you never overuse it.
This is to prevent any unwanted irritation.
Avoid Drying Acne Creams Any creams and lotions as well as medications that dry your skin excessively should be avoided.
Moisturizing Power Wear a daily moisturizer that is natural or organic.
Some of the best ingredients that you should look for in a moisturizer include vitamin C, green tea, grape seed extract and vitamin E in the form of tacopherol.
All these natural ingredients can help to clear up acne.
Clear Skin Diet There is actually a very effective and safe dietary cure for acne.
If you have the discipline to follow this diet, then you will for sure get the clear and flawless skin that you desire so much.
The guidelines for the diet are:
- Make sure the foods you eat are low in carbohydrates, sugars and fats.
Any one of these can, by its own, cause hormone fluctuations that lead to increased production of the hormone testosterone.
By avoiding these foods, or cutting them down to the bare minimum, you will be able to reduce the amount of oil produced by your sebum glands. - Eat in more fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables are rich in fibers.
Fibers promote proper detoxification.
A body filled with excessive toxins will have a lower immune strength and fluctuated hormone production.
These all contribute to the formation of acne.