Business & Finance mortgage

Saving Money With Remortgages

Remortgages means changing your existing mortgage from one lender to another to get yourself a better deal.

Out of five home loans were actually mortgages as millions of canny borrowers took advantage of the UKs hugely competitive mortgage market.
Why Remortgaging? There may be many reasons for remortgage, like bargaining with existing lender to review the current payment structure, the
ultimate gain should be Saving Money.

If you have lenders standard mortgage known as SVR (Standard Variable Rate) then chances are you are paying too much. Lenders rely on these loyal customers to find the new offers to attract new borrowers. You pay over the odds allows someone else to play the system and profit. Why shouldnt you be the one paying less?

For many people mortgage is the biggest financial commitment. And if Money saving method applied to largest financial area of your commitment then it can save Big Money. If you are kind of person who shops around to purchase a cheap cell phone, DVD player, a television etc. then you are missing a big trick to save money on your mortgage.

To give some idea of the saving up for grabs, you had a repayment mortgage for 100,000.and were currently paying 6% interest. Moving halfway through your 25 year term to a 5% deal would save you almost 5,000. And if you keep on changing to the best deals available every couple of years you could save even bigger.
And sometimes you even dont need to change the existing lender. You may talk to your existing lender for a better deal and as it makes money from your debt so they might wont let it loose anyway.

However though remortgage saves you money, it involves a price. You may pay the penalty to leave the existing lender, a fee to join the new lender and may face legal bills too. So This doesnt means you shouldnt remortgage. Do your calculations before taking the leap.

There are other reasons along with Money saving to avail the remortgaging, like you are moving up on the property ladder and need more money Or you need extra cash and want to take advantage of the fact that your house gone up in value Or your mortgage doesnt fit anymore (changing job, back to education, going traveling etc.) whatever the reason there are mortgages that will let you take payment holidays.

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