We would probably all remember those times when we were a child, we used to listen to vendors at the street selling their products out, unless here in these Latin American countries especially here at the Dominican Republic, they use to wander around the streets with a big bike and a wide space so they put their products and goodies for the housekeepers who love buying fresh things in the morning and or who can not go out to the supermarket, that is why "Pedrito" used to be the most special vendor in my block.
If you don't yell out in the streets you don't sell.
The same thing happens in the internet market: it is a big world full of their own rules, government, people and directions - the cyber space streets are a little different from that one of "Pedrito" although the same process for selling and being paid.
Internet marketing has lots of methods and techniques for that, the most important one is called SEO.
SEO is Search Engine Optimization, that means the streets where "Pedrito" will sell all those good and fresh things housekeepers need, in this case what Pedrito used to yell out in the streets was like this: "Marchantaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, llego el Pedrito Compre las Verduras y los Vegetales Frescos, comprenla a mitad de precio!" It's like this: Here is Pedrito with the best and fresh vegetables, buy them now, I have an offer: half the price! When a website is designed it is not just designing for designing it, most of the problems our designers have nowadays is this: they do not design what I call: "Intelligent Web Sites".
An intelligent website is that one who gets along pretty well with our Search Engines and speaks its languages fluently in order to gain a good ranking based on their keywords.
Keywords are those magic words internet surfers will use to get/buy/acquire a service, product etc.
That is to say, if you sell vegetables you would probably understand people would look up your services around the web like this: "fresh vegetables for sale" or "half price vegetables" "fresh green vegetables", etc, therefore either your website will come out to top 10 listings or the competitors website will and will be at the internet surfer eyes, right in front on him/her.
That is why arriving to top 10 positions is one of most desired thing nowadays in this cyber world.
We all want people see our websites, even more if we have an online store in there! A website has inside its design programming codes.
Inside the codes there are many many tricks and secrets which can be unveiled if we start learning SEO language.
They all work with algorithms that are plain mathematics moves; you must choose a good SEO company who knows and can talk this SEO language very well.
Although is not guaranteeid your website will achieve a good ranking due to several reasons: either if it's a flashy website, or it is a dynamic website.
Static PHP and HTML websites are prone to be more SEO friendly and tends to accept changes very easily.
This SEO Science at the Dominican Republic is just starting its pace as it only has little SEO specialists and services, because it is hard for our young designers to understand these little-at-a-first view complicated mechanisms of this internet marketing system.