Most of us have never heard of the plant extract called Kinetin.
But it has been around since before humans have.
It was a powerful antioxidant thriving on planet Earth even before the dinosaurs were.
But it was only fifteen years ago that scientists (from what was to become Kinerase Skin Care) discovered that Kinetin prevented leaves from drying up and withering away.
Armed with this knowledge, these scientists tried to find a way to apply it to human beings.
And after years of safe testing, they learned that when applied to the skin, the plant extract Kinetin was able to smooth wrinkles and firm skin while gently hydrating.
It was a miracle find.
They could only imagine the possibilities.
So with all of Kinetin's amazing properties, the scientists decided to open up a company in 1999 called Kinerase skin care.
Backed by the healing powers of Mother Nature, Kinerase now brings some of the safest, most effective anti-aging products to the market today.
I use some of them myself, namely the Kinerase Cream.
From skin creams to SPF to age spot healing to scar therapy, Kinetin has the potential to change skin for the better.
Imagine a plant-based skin cream that works immediately and increases effectiveness over time.
This is what products with Kinetin do.
The potential applications of this antioxidant are still being investigated.
Who knows what Kinerase skin care will come up with next.
I'm just happy there are products available on the market today.
So if you are looking for a nature-based skin care product that suits your skin type, be sure to check the label to see if it has Kinetin in it.
You won't be disappointed.
Stay young and live healthy!
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