Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Internet Marketing - Where Do I Start?

As a business owner, you were probably told that having a website would bring you tons of business.
You may or may not have fully understood how it all works but you did it anyway.
Now it's a year or two later, "How's your website working for you?" If your website isn't growing your business then check out the elements below to discover what goes into creating a successful Internet presence.
Define your ideal customer (target audience) - by defining your ideal customer you can then target the message on your website.
This is one of the best ways to convert visitors into customers.
Identify your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) - what makes your company stand out from your competition? 3.
What is the message of your website? Do you want your website to
  • Educate your customer
  • Sell a product or service
  • Build a list of customers
Create a keyword list - become your customer and think, "what would they type into Google to find your business or service.
" It might not be what you think! 5.
Create fresh, relevant content that keeps your potential customer on your site so they take the action you want them to take - call you, sign up for your mailing list, buy your product.
Optimizing your website with keyword rich headlines, sales copy filled with benefits, proper meta tag descriptions.
This is called on-page optimization.
Off-page optimization - how many other website are linked to yours? One of the best ways to move up in the rankings is to get other websites to link to yours.
This is called off-page optimization.
There are several strategies that you can do to get quality links back o your website.
Getting traffic to your website.
There are two different ways to get traffic - paid and free (organic).
You either pay for ads that show up as links on the search engines or other people's websites or you spend time creating fresh content that gets your website higher in the organic search engine listings.
By incorporating the above elements you will increase your visibility on the web and turn visitors into buyers.
The above elements will be discussed in depth in future articles.
Internet marketing is an art as well as a science.
There are many components to having a successful web presence.
You could spend hours doing it yourself or spend your time running you business and hire an SEO specialist to make your web presence successful.

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