Health & Medical Depression

Ignorance and Knowledge

The first chapter of my huge scientific book, about dreams (and the only correct method for their interpretation, discovered by the psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung), was entitled "Ignorance".
I called it this because I started showing to my readers exactly how much we ignore about our planet, our lives and our minds.
We are so ignorant in so many aspects of our lives that our pride in our scientific achievements is ridiculous! We don't know how life began existence, how an embryo is formed, how the human brain functions, and the function of a huge region of our brain that has never been properly researched.
We suppose many things about this part, but nothing is really known about it.
As a matter of fact, we find too many theories and suppositions in science (as opposed to facts), especially in neurology and psychiatry.
If you have the impression that we have achieved a lot in these fields, and know plenty about our brain and how it functions, I'm afraid I'll have to disabuse you of that idea now.
Neurology and psychiatry are based on theories.
Neurologists and psychiatrists only try to understand what happens with schizophrenics and psychotics by examining the chemical reactions that happen in their brains.
They cannot explain the nature of mental illness and they can only try to alleviate some symptoms, without really curing their patients.
Craziness is a labyrinth where even a psychiatrist can get lost! It is a distortion of the individual's natural behaviour with violence, absurd logic, strange thoughts and actions that provoke panic in the affected person; or they provoke hate and a continuous occupation with revenge; then when crimes are realized there is only terror.
Craziness leads to despair and terror.
Neurologists and psychiatrists of our time try to find ways to control their patients through their chemistry.
Their medicine only protects crazy people from getting worse (doesn't make them better) and protects their environment from their violent attacks and desperate actions.
These doctors are trying to solve their patients' problems from outside their minds.
This is why they can't solve them.
It's not their fault, because society completely ignores this area.
Fortunately though, we have the inner world of our psychical sphere, were a miraculous solution exists for us, a solution we couldn't before imagine having: the unconscious side of our psychical sphere that produces our dreams can cure us from craziness, since its nature is wise and saintly.
The biologist and etiologist Konrand Lorentz observed the existence of very well-programmed patterns of behaviour in both humans and animals.
These programs could only be prepared by a genius, which confirms the unconscious' wisdom in dream preparation.
The unconscious is a miraculous doctor that organizes the functioning of our planet.
It also organizes animal and human development on Earth, according to the necessity to cure the wild demonic conscience that the human being inherits in his psychical sphere.
If you learn how to interpret your dreams according to the method discovered by Carl Jung, (which I prove with recent supporting discoveries in many different scientific fields is absolutely correct) you'll find a way to learn how to protect yourself from mental illness, and how to overcome it if you already have problems.
You can learn how to protect yourself and acquire psychical health through deciphering your own dreams.
They show us clearly all our psychical traumas and their causes, as well as the method to cure you.
This is amazing! However, everything depends on your attitude, because you have to go through a very painful process in order to change your behaviour, and to work hard to build sensitivity.
The unconscious is a very demanding doctor! So, this miraculous solution is not a magic solution.
This is a solution for heroes! But at least it is a possible solution, for a problem that doesn't have a scientific solution at all! Craziness can really be cured completely through dream decoding - even the worst cases.
However, patients that suffer from schizophrenia and psychosis don't naturally cooperate with their doctor, which means they hardly agree to relate their dreams.
Their treatment is very difficult, and takes a long time.
But, we can be happy for one reason: people that haven't yet reached the worst state of craziness can definitely be cured! If your problem is only depression or neurosis, and you follow the unconscious' directions, your cure through dream decoding is quite possible.
It is even quite easy if compared with the schizophrenia and psychosis cases that can also be cured or at least partially cured with the same method.

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