Health & Medical Depression

How Can You Help Someone With Depression?

Do you suspect someone you are close to is suffering from depression? While different individuals may cope with depression differently, there are some common symptoms you can look out for. When you've determined that they are truly suffering from depression, be patient and help them through it.

Common symptoms of depression include changes in sleeping and eating patterns, feelings of anxiety or restlessness, loss of interest in daily activities, sudden mood swings, having a bleak outlook in life, loss of confidence or respect for oneself and having suicidal thoughts.

Once you've ascertained that a person close to you is indeed suffering from depression, the first step you can do to help is to actually get them to understand and recognize it as well. While a direct approach might not be advisable as many sufferers of depression are too embarrassed to even admit they have a problem, you can simply show your support and care for them in the beginning, and eventually point them to books or articles on depression.

If you want to help someone through depression, make sure you are always there for them. Isolation and loneliness lend to depression and negative thoughts. Persuade them to discuss their feelings and worldview with you, and listen to them and do not judge them. Try getting them to join social activities with you or other friends. Plan out activities such as throwing parties for them or going on a holiday with them.

Understand that the depression may cause the person to snap out at you or have sudden emotional outbursts. Remain calm in such situations and do not retaliate in anger. This may be very difficult if they let out some hurtful words escape them, but never push them away.

The more severe cases of depression will require medical assistance. Take the person to a psychiatrist or doctor. Make sure they go through the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Anti-depressant drugs can help to give a boost in their recovery from depression.

Be patient and do not give up on the person suffering. Knowing that there is someone whom they can trust and who cares greatly for them can be what they need to pull themselves out of the pit of depression.

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