Dysthymic disorder is another name for chronic depression.
While this is a form of depression, it is considered to be one of the milder forms.
Individuals that suffer from this particular form of depression usually have the capability of handling their day to day responsibilities and functioning in what is considered to be a normal manner.
However, it is quite common for the individual to feel and/or appear as if they are unhappy the majority of the time.
There are several types of depression that are experienced by many.
Dysthymic disorder is considered to be one of the most common experienced.
In this guide on depression, you will be introduced to various facts on this depressive disorder.
Causes Medical professionals have been trying to establish the cause of dysthymic disorder for several years.
Unfortunately, there is no one precise explanation on why this condition develops.
One theory is that changes take place within the brain.
These changes seem to be directly related to the neurotransmitter that is identified as Serotonin.
This chemical helps to level out the moods that an individual experiences.
In addition to this, it assists in allowing individuals to effectively cope with the emotions that they experience on a day to day basis.
It is believed that when the body is imbalanced due to Serotonin levels that this form of depression may occur.
In addition to this, complications in life may result in the onset of dysthymic disorder.
These complications may be social, professional, and/or personal.
Symptoms When evaluating the symptoms of Dysthymic disorder, you will discover that they are similar to standard depression.
However, the symptoms are a bit more on the milder side of things.
The following includes some of the most common symptoms that a person with Dysthymic disorder may exhibit: • Many individuals find that they feel completely void of all energy.
The fatigue that is experienced is often very overwhelming.
• Sleep complications are very common among those that suffer from Dysthymic disorder.
Complications may include trouble falling asleep, issues staying asleep, or even sleeping too much.
• Most individuals that suffer from this form of depression will feel a persistent degree of sadness throughout their day.
This mood often persists day after day.
• Cognitive complications are extremely common among those that suffer from Dysthymic disorder.
These issues may include the inability to concentrate appropriately, issues recalling information, feeling mentally drained and similar symptoms.
• Many patients find that their appetite is affected in one way or another when suffering from depression.
There are many that may eat too much and others that may not want to eat anything at all.
Regardless, the body is deprived of proper nutrition and many physiological effects may occur such as lack of energy, more severe forms of depression, and even a suppressed immune system.
• Many individuals will start to experience pain and other types of physical issues as a result of the depression that they experience.
• Dysthymic disorder may result in a person believing that suicide is the solution for the issues that they experience in life.
Not all people that consider suicide will make an attempt, but there are many that do and succeed.
If you find that you are experiencing the symptoms associated with Dysthymic disorder, it is important to seek medical treatment from a specialist immediately.
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