- 1). Make sure to wear eye protection, long pants, sturdy gloves and boots before starting the string trimmer. Begin trimming by holding the bottom of the trimmer about 3 inches above the ground at a slight angle. Trim the weeds and grass with the tip of the line in a sweeping motion. Stay away from hard objects that could damage the trimmer line. Keep the line away from the base of trees and shrubs in order to avoid hurting the bark.
- 2). Apply a scalping technique to remove weeds at the ground level. Hold the trimmer about 3 inches above the ground level and allow the trimmer line to whip along the ground in order to completely remove weeds.
- 3). Trim areas that cannot be reached by a mower by keeping the trimmer line parallel to the ground at the same height as your newly mown grass. Keep the head of the mower from touching the ground and sweep the trimmer back and forth to achieve a level cut.
- 4). Advance the trimmer line by tapping the bump knob on the bottom of the power head on the ground. About 2 inches of line will be advanced with each tap.
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