Business & Finance Economics

Washington Agenda Has Americans Moving

Despite the ongoing rhetoric by Washington, the current pace of job creation will not be sufficient to significantly lower the official rate of unemployment of 8.
26%; the real unemployment rate as of December 2012 stood at nearly 23%.
Immediately after President Obama won a second term, a minimum of 39 companies announced further layoffs, including such big names as Westinghouse, Boeing, U.
Cellular, Caterpillar and Kmart.
Just in February 2013 alone, a list of companies have announced layoffs thus far totaling 25,616 employees.
Furthermore, 34 more companies have filed bankruptcy in February at the time of this writing, not to mention the continual personal bankruptcies and foreclosures that go largely unreported by the main stream media.
As the administration in Washington, D.
continue to pretend as if they are working to grow America, the statistical facts point in an otherwise poorer direction.
To combat this attack by the government that is supposed to be "For the People," many are taking matters in their own hands by relocating to other states where the job market offers some hope of employment, even if those jobs are minimal wage.
Atlas Van Lines has been conducting a moving inbound/outbound study since 1993, providing a trend on where America is moving: The States that saw the most people moving out in 2012 were Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Vermont.
Wyoming, Nebraska and New York had the highest percentage of outbound moves, coming in at 59% for WY and NE and 58% for NY.
Destinations with the highest inbound moves were Washington, D.
, North Dakota and North Carolina at 63, 61 and 60 percent respectively.
Florida continues as one of the top three moving destinations with a total of 9,614 moves in 2012, although factors other than prospective jobs are leading motivators; drawing cards such as falling prices within the housing market is another statistical fact that the economy is not moving forward as the country is being led to believe.
So where is America moving? 2012 destinations proved to be the eight states of Washington, Oregon, Texas, North Dakota, Tennessee, North Carolina, New Hampshire and Alaska.
Perhaps this information can be helpful to the millions of out-of-work Americans that seem to have been forgotten by the current Washington leaders, both Democrat and Republican, as they continue their governmental agendas.

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