Business & Finance Economics

When Mars Attacks, The Economy Roars!

If Only We Could Be Threatened By Space Aliens When I was a student at the Graduate School of Public Administration (our school colors were red and more red; our motto, "Sempre Turfbuildus"), they made us study the works of major geniuses in such fields as economics and massive government.
One of the chief geniuses in both fields was Paul Krugman, who was an advisor to President Clinton (and now claims President Obama among his adherents).
Anyway, the other day I heard this super-genius on the radio contraption, talking about his brilliant plans for getting the U.
economy out of the mire in which it currently finds itself.
Never mind that Mr.
Krugman and his ilk (and oh, what a massive ilk he has these days!) are the very geniuses who took a thriving economy and buried it in said muck.
What's important is that only geniuses of his caliber can do the high-powered thinking (and central planning) needed to pull us out.
We used to say that when something was on fire, the first thing you do is remove the fire's fuel.
You put a lid on it to cut the oxygen.
At the very least, Bubba, you stop squirting lighter fluid out of that can you keep by the grill.
But in the world of Krugman-like geniuses, lighter fluid is precisely what you use to fight fire.
Must be; because more big government debt and spending are their preferred tools for fighting this debt-spending-caused economic disaster.
On the radio, I heard Krugman say that, if only we could become convinced that space aliens were going to attack us, and that a massive defense build-up were needed to repel the attack - even if we later found out that there was no alien threat and then dismantled all the weapons - we'd be out of this recession in eighteen months.
He wasn't joking.
Several problems with this "genius.
" First, aren't the Demediacrats of Mr.
Krugman's afforementioned ilk in favor of any spending EXCEPT defense? Second, didn't they say the recession (which is still over, by the way) was CAUSED by all that war-mongering in Iraq and Afghanistan? And third, doesn't the money for such a buildup have to come from soaking the market economy, and until somebody actually produces and sells something, it's just recycled (redistributed) wealth...
and no new wealth gets created? More likely, when Mars attacks, they'll find themselves welcomed by the ilk.
They'll be given free housing, medical care, and in-state tuition.
They won't have any trouble at all from the Krugmans of this country...
unless they join the tea party, of course.
I think it's possible that the space aliens attacked stealthily, years ago, and have already melted the brains of the geniuses who are running this country...
into the ground.
by Michael D.
Hume, M.

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